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Posts posted by supermik

  1. 56 minutes ago, hk blues said:

    Yep...and I'm pretty sure that Vardy himself must have given the OK for this as I doubt his wife has the means to pay the bill.  Knowing his wife better than anyone, I would wonder why he didn't kill this dead in the very early days when the judge gave them an out.  He must have known the truth, or at least should have.

    It’s amazing what some men will agree to in exchange for a blowjob 😎

  2. 5 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

    I had to get my bottom examined the other day and expected the worst.

    On the hole (see what I did there) it wasnt too bad apart from when the boy was trying to go round a corner or something and it felt like I was being knifed from the inside.

    When I got mine done, I watched it all on the monitor. They cut 4 things out that looked a bit suss. They marked 2 of the removal points with a tattoo dot so if they ever have to re examine me they will be able to reference where exactly they were. The doc said that after they had been removed they didn’t appear as bad as first thought. Of course, after I got home, the wife decided to Google the things that were removed. And, in the best tradition of Google, she then informed me that I was now facing a lingering and painful death which cheered me up no end.

    It took almost 10 weeks for the results to comeback. Everything was benign.

    f**k Google (and nosy wifes)

  3. 22 minutes ago, Antlion said:

    Every time I see the “70 years of service” line, I’m tempted to add the word “profitable”.

    She spent 70 profitable years lining her pockets in ways no previous monarch even dreamed of. The royals had a relatively modest private fortune under her father. She amassed for her clan (and this is guesswork because the true numbers are concealed) hundreds of millions of pounds via dodgy deals, dodgier tax arrangements, and successive compliant governments making sure she was always exempt from or had loopholes through legislation touching finance.

    She was a fucking spiv. Her sense of duty was always primarily to her family’s coffers.

    Thought you were talking about Maw Kardashian for a moment there.

  4. 9 hours ago, philpy said:

    Is anyone actually bothering to watch the funeral on Monday??

    Yes. If people like it or not, history is happening. Do you really want to say that you never saw it? There is not one person alive just now that will ever see another queen on the throne

  5. 1 hour ago, hk blues said:

    There are still some jobs where race/gender/age are acceptable criteria -

    Not much 50+ males working in strip joints for example.  And, by some coincidence the majority of staff in the local Indian restaurant are Indian (or at least look like they might be).


    Friend of mine is still gutted that Marks and Spencer’s knocked him back for a bra fitting job!

  6. 16 minutes ago, Loonytoons said:
    37 minutes ago, supermik said:
    Before he deid and after he was well known, in 1986, Neale Cooper offered my wife her weeks wages if she would miss her work and spend the night with him! 
    She turned him down because she was a nice, honest person.
    We split a couple of years later, She did not regret turning him down.
    (We are still good friends, my present wife is also good friends with her)

    Is your ex Demi Moore?

    No, she’s prettier than her

  7. 32 minutes ago, Lex said:

    Before he was famous, Paolo Nutini asked out my girlfriend at the time.
    She turned him down because she was with me.
    We split up a couple of years later, after he had made it big. Bet she doesn’t regret that one bit emoji41.png

    Before he deid and after he was well known, in 1986, Neale Cooper offered my wife her weeks wages if she would miss her work and spend the night with him! 
    She turned him down because she was a nice, honest person.
    We split a couple of years later, She did not regret turning him down.

    (We are still good friends, my present wife is also good friends with her)

  8. Heard his brother sectioned himself just after the murder. The day after he came back out, Luke was arrested.
    On a personal level I still find his conviction strange due to the lack of evidence tying him to the case. There must be other evidence that was withheld from the public domain that was strong enough to put him away. Also, is it still the case that you can only be considered for release if you admit to the crime? He might be in for a while if that is what happens.

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