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Everything posted by LiamDFC

  1. That's a very, very good idea. Might actually know someone that owns one. Thank you.
  2. I think this added physicality will only help the Delicate Duo (el Bakh and CC33). These big bruisers will hopefully rifle their way through formations, allowing those two to slip between the cracks, 'feed off scraps' (hate that phrase) and generally play to their strengths. The reason they've been so poor (IMO) is because our frontline gets marked out the game, easily. I'm optimistic that will be different this year. ETA: Finally appears we're getting some balance. Thank you.
  3. I've chipped in a few times too and wouldn't be put off doing it again. I'm still really thinking about doing this scarf thing, spoken to loads of printers but they all take fucking ages and charge an arm and a leg. Thank you.
  4. Why don't we see if the club would let us sponsor a 'Dee Dee' shirt? I'm sure they'd be up for that. Would put this whole sorry mess behind us, give the club some dosh while remembering one of P&B's good guys. Thoughts?
  5. Burst out laughing when I saw that bit. He's some boy, aye. Brought this to mind:
  6. So it wasn't a done deal? For f**k sake it's like talking to a child.
  7. So it wasn't a 'done deal' then. Idiot found, outed and (rightly) ridiculed. Please just leave us alone. I'm begging you now. Thank you.
  8. This creature is far too ugly to play for Dundee; certainly looks like a bit of a sheep botherer. Thank you.
  9. Looking forward to seeing Allan spraying balls about this season. And playing football. Thank you.
  10. What a team that was. Eddie Annand and Dariusz, with a wee bit of Grady on top. Some frontline. Players that I also loved from around that era were Willie Falconer and Shaun McSkimming. Real fitba players. Thank you.
  11. I think it's actually Jerry O'Driscoll. Stephen McCormick was skinnier, wasn't he? ETA. I'm looking in the wrong place. My bad. Thank you.
  12. Some mental choices there, but I'll have a go. Julian Speroni Barry Smith (C) Zurab Khizanishvili Jim Duffy Jonay Hernandez Greg Stewart Georgi Nemsadze Gavin Rae Fabian Caballero Dariusz Adamczuk Leigh Griffiths Thank you.
  13. I can't wait for actual football to start. Until then, I think we should discuss an important topic that's been largely ignored because we had an ugly manager under Paul Hartley. Things have changed, though; we have the suavest, best looking and sharpest dressed leader in the league. Who do we feel is the ugliest c**t to manage a team in the Premiership? My vote goes for Tommy Wright. A fat, greasy slob that makes even Mixu look well kept. He probably wears a knock-off Casio bought on a beach in Benidorm, too. Tart. A close second goes to Neil Lennon. A genuinely unfashionable character (in all senses of the word). No style, internally or externally. Martin Canning is a bit of an ogre, too. Thoughts? Thank you.
  14. Maybe being so far away from civilisation will help him adjust. Thank you.
  15. Riccardo Calder has signed for ICT. He was pretty shite for us IMO but will prob do alright there against the other cluggers. Thank you.
  16. Sure. Here you go. This is how I imagine the Scottish Corner of Hell. Tom Hateley presiding over the eternally Damned United fans and a small army of Alan Main-shaped imps. Thank you.
  17. 'When he step into Dens, BERKEL, c**t's got you all in check, BERKEL' Thank you.
  18. It's 2017. Donald Trump is president, Dimitar is inbound and grown men wear gloves in the middle of fucking summer. Anything can happen. Thank you.
  19. Two reasons why this won't happen: 1) McCann was in the paper today saying he won't go for players that have been around the block; he's only looking for new faces that have something to prove (i.e. young and hungry, not old and fat). 2) Your offensive avatar. Thank you
  20. We will not take your questions or comments seriously until you stop upsetting the children with your heinous, provocative and insensitive avatar picture. Thank you.
  21. Was he wearing gloves? Fucking told you this would happen.
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