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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. I think Jones and Findlay will sign extensions. My shopping list would be; Back-up goalkeeper to replace Fasan. Back-up RB & LB. Centre-midfielder (probably the only signing who goes into the first XI) Alex Schalk
  2. Just watched the highlights again, I don't know what needs to be done about Tshibola. Admittedly, it's only a snapshot of the game - but goals 1 and 3 I think are preventable if he employs a bit more energy and commitment in his closing down. I know it's rarely one person's fault, but this is something that I feel has been pretty observable in his game since he arrived. You don't get time on the ball in Scotland, and there's an expectation that you can't give your opponents any either - I'm not sure how much it's going to take for him to learn this.
  3. I like Scott Boyd. He's a decent reserve, appears to keep himself in good condition despite probably only getting the chance to play about a dozen games a season.
  4. Who has ever attempted to take a fucking trolley to a public event?
  5. I'm needing some indoctrination tips from you I think. I have a one year old son, and the likelihood is that he'll probably never live in a KA postcode - thick streak of Celtic runs through the other side of the family....it's already a cause for concern for me...
  6. But if you extract that attitude to it's logical conclusion, it's an extremely dangerous attitude to adopt. I have an immediate aversion to this standpoint in this particular scenario, as it very overtly chimes in to the old "contraception is a woman's business" mindset.
  7. So you're completely abdicating any kind of social responsibility because of previous generations of decision makers to which you had zero input? What a depressing outlook.
  8. He's going to Rangers mate, Alex Rae said so....... They're a massive club y'know.............
  9. Another one who went along to the Hydro last night for what can only be described as the best show I've seen in a long time - if not ever. First time I'd seen them since they toured The Suburbs at the SECC and it was utterly brilliant. Exactly the kind of thing they built that venue for.
  10. Might even be Hearts under Burley. Ross County won an unfeasible number of games late on in 14/15 but I'm not sure they had six in a row. Dundee United had a couple of late bursts to finish top six as well.
  11. Number of televised matches for top six clubs post-split. Celtic - 4 Rangers - 4 Aberdeen - 3 Hibernian - 3 Juggernaut FC - 0 Hearts - 4 A continuation of the establishment's pathetic attempts to suppress us. This is actually becoming quite embarrassing.
  12. Gutted but I think that's pivotal for Cagliari. Difficult run in, the only game I can see them winning is Bologna.
  13. Reckon we're taking 2k to Hamilton next week. Could put us right back in the race for Europe...
  14. Look Dee Man, I don't know about you but I refuse to be an apologist for bigotry. All men must have principles.
  15. I've literally no idea why you would think this.
  16. Thanks, were you able to ascertain this from the fact that I haven't changed my football team from Kilmarnock to....someone other?
  17. Was that before or after you became a turncoat and broke your Uncle's heart? Coming across very badly here.
  18. Even the font screams meagre yet unfulfilled ambition.
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