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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. The absolute state of her. Clutching her diamante fucking white spirit adamantly offended about something or other. You can't possibly want to back up this kind of trout just because you nominally support the same football team. Surely.
  2. Boom. Livi fans hitting the ground running here. Welcome aboard lads.
  3. Decent finisher....................
  4. What a fucking monstrosity - might be teetering on the border of "Ah'll no be back" country.
  5. What the f**k is a fan zone? Is it just a bar? Christ, I'm too young to be the oldest man in the world.
  6. Must have been the Ipswich Town day oot - fairly certain that's Alan Brazil to the right of picture... Must have heard the bell for last orders.
  7. Think that's the right decisions all round, although I'm surprised to see Mouanda leaving - I'd heard reasonable positive things about him. Wouldn't be adverse to seeing all three loans returning next season. And as you say....no mention of Mulumbu...
  8. Certainly a divisive figure, but how he was ever able to argue out an impaired debt us still a mystery to me - undoubtedly gave the club a second life.
  9. If that's the trust's representative I called that a year ago.
  10. This is a rhetoric that you hear all the time on this subject, but to my mind can be an extremely damaging line that's used to cover things up that organisations would rather not confront. It's not necessarily a point-scoring exercise to state that an organisation's response to a sexual allegation is inadequate. Of course it's not acceptable to suggest that Rangers, or Celtic, or the BBC, or the Catholic Church, or any other organisation is automatically complicit in sexual abuse if it happens within their boundaries - but IMO there exists a social responsibility to scrutinise that organisation's reaction.
  11. Nothing like an unattractive lassie singing about sexual harassment to bring the unabashed antisemitism out of the p&b Da' collective it seems...
  12. Every time I hear those fuckers mentioned I feel like Dreyfus in the Pink Panther films.
  13. Lot of United fans definitely not bothered by this shambles....definitely not. Good for you lads.
  14. Ach hard lines lads, sorry to see you go albeit a fairly atrocious season by the standards set in recent years. No highland representatives next season for the first time in a good few years, I've simply no idea where they'll send Kilmarnock on the Wednesday before Christmas 2018....
  15. Do you think you'd have been relegated had the decision not been taken to replace Jim McIntyre? Or was it more of a case of time up?
  16. Two defeats are we're bickering with one another. Except me. I've acted with serene fucking dignity you shits.
  17. I think Jones and Findlay will sign extensions. My shopping list would be; Back-up goalkeeper to replace Fasan. Back-up RB & LB. Centre-midfielder (probably the only signing who goes into the first XI) Alex Schalk
  18. Just watched the highlights again, I don't know what needs to be done about Tshibola. Admittedly, it's only a snapshot of the game - but goals 1 and 3 I think are preventable if he employs a bit more energy and commitment in his closing down. I know it's rarely one person's fault, but this is something that I feel has been pretty observable in his game since he arrived. You don't get time on the ball in Scotland, and there's an expectation that you can't give your opponents any either - I'm not sure how much it's going to take for him to learn this.
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