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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Nah, if someone's out of the first xi they're not bothered whether the guy keeping them out is permanently contracted to their club or not - the end result is the same. There has been a suggestion in recent years that certain players have been signed up on loan with the express condition that they play. This, if it's anything more than a fan's conspiracy theory, is another matter entirely - and would leave a bitter taste I'm sure.
  2. Given Rangers' financial record and current situation, we'd be mad to accept anything other than a huge lump of cash upfront for JJ. Even add-ons I'd treat with caution, we'd only end up getting 12p in the pound for them.
  3. I still remember there was a sign at the beginning of London Road celebrating the club's 125th anniversary, and counting what year it would be when the 150th came around. 2019 seemed like it might as well be a thousand years away, weird to think we're almost there.
  4. Really compact, composed CM - almost never gave the ball away, and a great technique at set pieces. I felt he was one of our better players when he left and was gutted to see him go. He's had at least one serious injury since going to England though, so not sure the impact that's had. Really pleased to hear he's had a change of scenery, so fingers crossed he does well at Tannadice. He was also released by St Mirren before virtually walking into an admittedly poor Kilmarnock side (apparently they felt some bloke called McGinn was the better option)....anyhow he'll maybe be motivated by the prospect of nipping the title off them come May...
  5. I'll be honest, I was being facetious. It's a fairly short walk from Waverley station.
  6. You're in luck Rab. Edinburgh has a first class tram network....
  7. Guarantee it, hint of overt racism thrown into the mix to cover all bases...
  8. Merry Christmas to all the Killie boys on p&b!! What a time to be alive
  9. A million and a half of these fuckers want to go back to pounds, shillings, and pence? I'm not surprised to see euthanasia suspiciously absent from the list.
  10. This is absolutely fucking outrageous. The second time inside a week (first being Gordon Greer) that the great media machine has taken a completely innocuous line from a Killie player, and attached a sensationalist headline suggesting that the manager is on his way out the club already. What exactly is Kris Boyd saying here? If you're successful in football then you'll get a bigger opportunity - well, aye...that is historically how things tend to go. It's hardly a new philosophy completely out of the blue. Nobody can be under any illusion that Steve Clarke isn't going to attract attention given the immediacy with which he's improved a club that had been on its knees for the better part of a decade - there is absolutely no need for this kind of tabloid pish from what was once a reputable newspaper.
  11. Wrong time of year for gin surely. People with a degree of finesse keep that for spring/summer.
  12. Hopefully. I always wanted Rory to be the type of player who would go on and play 400+ games for Kilmarnock, but he's fallen into a bit of a rut, and successive managers haven't been quite able to get him out of it with any kind of regularity. Despite a lot of average performances, I think he retains a disproportionate affection from the supporters because his energy and enthusiasm is first class - he's just been unable to turn out the quality required at the top level. I'm really hoping that a change of scenery will suit him in the way it has for Mark O'Hara.
  13. There's an article on the BBC website about Rab Douglas in which Bomber comes out extremely badly...
  14. Great reading this thread you know, there seems like a real air of positivity around Motherwell at the moment, and it's obviously showing on the pitch. Excellent statement from the club as well. Anyone throwing coins etc has no place at the football, and it appears the club are committed to dealing with it as far as can really be possible. On the subject of the Celtic crowd and their antics, I've been pretty shocked at the deterioration in standards of behaviour in the last few years. Historically they were never a bother at Kilmarnock - as far as I witnessed - but the last few times have been different. It'll be interesting to see their reaction when this run eventually comes to an end.
  15. Due to the ongoing BEAST issue, or sundry factors?...
  16. I think you have all got the message that Perth is......RIFE WITH BEASTS!!!! ...is how that line should have been delivered...
  17. Typical Celtic dewy eyed romanticism. Irrespective of post career tragedy he was a horrible, cynical player. See Lennon, N. for more details. I've had the pleasure of meeting him twice and found him a really nice chap. He is, however, squarely inside my top ten for being a thoroughly unpleasant oik on the pitch.
  18. It never fails astound me the levels of violence that obese full-time mummies are secretly whacking their collective bean to, in between bouts of online bingo, and TV programmes designed to inure one's senses to the idea of poor people starving to death.
  19. Hilarious that happyaccie has moved from poor attempts to wind up Kilmarnock supporters, to poor attempts to wind up Dundee supporters now that we're fucking awesome again. Weeps.
  20. This is the first Christmas with baby Estragon and this has very decidedly NOT materialised as a viable proposition. Anyway, back on topic I've just had my first festive sandwich of the season so f**k your feelings y'all.
  21. I'd similar thoughts on the question of how to accurately gender a present. Thought I'd just write a description on the label and let some other c**t bother about it.
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