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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. I think this is key. I feel like we might eventually look back on Lee McCulloch as a good "recruiter", he signed a few good players to the club in the summer - but his abilities as a coach and a tactician were lacking inasmuch as getting them to play effectively. Now we've got a guy who is a specialist in the latter, and I can't remember feeling so upbeat about us in a long time. You can see such an appetite for the club again after this appointment. We're bringing supporters to matches home and away, and we've been virtually a permanent fixture in the press over the course of the last month. Billy Bowie and the rest of the board have to be commended on this move - I'm sure Steve Clarke isn't cheap, but we've had our fingers burnt from going for the cheap option too often before, and the club have at last responded to this.
  2. Disappointing lack of Steve Clarke on this 'faux-gramme'. Fucking BBC.
  3. There are teams I've never heard of with more points in the Europa League than Everton. Sakes man.
  4. Who the f**k is still doing this gesture? Very early 2000s.
  5. To be fair, it turns a fairly wan cliche into a devastating indictment of modern humanity.
  6. This is a lack of confidence and little more tbh. Last season we had a terrible habit of conceding immediately after we scored - and I feel it's been replaced with this habit, particularly in the minutes leading up to the end of each half. We've conceded more than half our goals between 30-45 and 75-90 - and scored only twice.
  7. Still feeling bizarrely upbeat. So much so that I marched into the office with a spring in my step - it felt completely surreal to hear myself say we lost 3-0... 'Mon the new era!!!
  8. I've no hard feelings against Clark. Gary Locke would have relegated us for sure, and he brought in Coulibaly and JJ, also gave Greg Taylor an intro. I wasn't disappointed when he left certainly, as it never appeared like he felt we were a long-term gig for him. Quite right to take a chance in England if that's what he wanted.
  9. Haha, ah well. Gaun yersel' Veronica hen.
  10. What kind of absolute fucking no-righter do you have to be to make this nonsense up? You shouldn't have obscured her surname. Deserves c***s to know to fucking avoid her.
  11. Really hoping the team get a bit of encouragement from the local area on Tuesday. Two away results at the old firm in four days is still quite the achievement. No doubt someone will give away a throw in after 20 minutes and the old bitch behind me will make the hate noise immediately.
  12. Even the smell of Tennents makes me wretch. Had my first one in years during the Slovenia game, absolutely fucking pish.
  13. I'm concerned that I might be a middle lane c**t. I've never really understood the controversy about it, or what's dangerous or annoying about it. Ultimately I'm worried that I'm unwittingly cunting the f**k out.
  14. Is he not on loan at Killie? Are we subletting players now? Is that even a 'hing?
  15. No idea what big Hollywood sees in the young, single, attractive Liverpudlian.
  16. All correct. Also, both easily the biggest team in their respective counties - don't leave me hanging big guy....
  17. Is that per egg? i.e. would 3 eggs reduce your vision by 277.5%? Asking for a friend.
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