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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Ha! Good luck with that in broken Britain. There's probably a few left wing loonies on here DELIGHTED that the Moon is little more than a Taliban hideout.
  2. f**k off. If Janes not in the final I'm boycotting the license fee.
  3. Tbf she's in some shape for having had six kids. The Jane Seymour of Saltcoats.
  4. Thought it was an outstanding series. Well written, well acted, well delivered.
  5. "Welsh Blinds are a West of Scotland company". Mind. Fucking. Blown.
  6. Darkness Falls. Anyway, I went to see Suicide Squad last night - it was like how I'd imagine it would be to be assaulted by a gang of teenagers with ADHD. Avoid 4/10
  7. Shut the front door! This is like when I found out there were two moons!!
  8. They only get one sting each but... kam-bee-kaze...
  9. Echo above sentiments, good luck to big Josh. If he can continue to improve as he did last season he'll do well.
  10. Sadly no, but thankfully they all pay at the pump.
  11. I like to attract petrol station employees to my house and a mere wink only seems to go so far...
  12. Willie Miller, Steven Thompson and Michael Stewart all tipping Kilmarnock for relegation on the BBC website...c***s.
  13. Everybody. Stop. What you're doing... The Variety Bar is reopening, and it's the biggest news of the day....apparently...
  14. I don't think he's underestimated the league, he had first hand experience of it in the closing stages of last season. My worry is that he's been told to cut the wage expenditure dramatically - and the young boys are the result.
  15. Would always expect "The Truth" from that apparently reputable newspaper.
  16. It's twelve quid apparently? I was wondering about going, but not at that price.
  17. Pleased to hear this. Fingers crossed he keeps it up for the rest of the season.
  18. I might genuinely greet if Boydy hits a last minute winner at RP for no.100.
  19. Agreed. 4 goals in the last 6 games of last season. Again agreed. He's on 97 goals for the club - and by my reckoning he's aiming to be the first player to hit the century since Eddie Morrison about 40 years ago. I'll be absolutely gutted if he doesn't get the chance of making it.
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