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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Does that mean the same profit per supporter, or the same profit per game? Just playing devil's advocate here, but still without figures it could still be...let's say...a creative way of telling you the truth?
  2. QLP, I'm not sure your argument about increased costs with larger visiting crowds, while self-evident, holds any water in this instance unless we know figures for specific incremental costs incurred. Of course, as you put it, there will be more cost in containing 4000 Celtic supporters than there would be doing the same role for 500 Accies supporters - but there's still the 8 fold increase in revenue there, notwithstanding money taken over the counter at the tea bars. It might very well be that we have to put a couple of quid on to the ticket prices to maintain our margins, but I doubt it. It strikes me as more realistic that we're simply trying to maximise our earning potential on the one or two busiest days of the season - which is fine despite all the mewling. The market finds a price at the end of the day.
  3. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/michael-gannon-virgil-van-dijk-6594461
  4. To be honest, I've never seen a dead pelican.
  5. October's looking absolutely enormous. Liverpool, Man United and Arsenal in the league - followed by Norwich in the LC... Last night's win might turn out to be more important than it currently appears.
  6. Reasonable draw in the next round, I'm expecting more than one of Man City, Liverpool and Chelsea to bow out at this stage.
  7. The only way to stop a bad guy with a clock, is with a good guy with a clock.
  8. Apparently Carlton Cole is up training with Celtic. Just let that sink in...
  9. The things that people just say utterly infuriate me. Where is Mark Degnan going to get his guns? Who's he going to fire them at? Will he travel to Syria to stop ISIS at source, or will he wait until they're chalking his fence? Also, in what other context has anyone seen the word "lest" being used? Finally......mentalopause...
  10. Well this is a mis-step..... I was thinking of a different Wendy Shepherd-Henderson...
  11. Not according to Wikipedia, and he's 5 in 6 this season in Mexico.
  12. An Argentinian forward with a poorer record over there than Denis Stracqualursi...
  13. I actually really like Kone. His chances have been fairly limited certainly, but more often than not he puts in a good performance - was unlucky with his late header against Spurs too. I'd reckon that this will be his last season though.
  14. I don't know where your moral compass sits, but to be honest I'd say it was a bit far regardless of who the other party was. Fucking apologist.
  15. When his blood was up he raped one of them. Probably a bit far tbf.
  16. This will definitely happen. Please keep us posted.
  17. Be fair, she was probably busy posting minion-themed pictures on facebook about how difficult it is to be CEO at full time mummy inc.
  18. Behave yourself. The minutes applause is already devalued to an all-time low. I'm genuinely serious. If I see anyone doing this they're getting the piss taken out of them, football supporters are fucking dreadful at times.
  19. Jesus, that is a fucking horrendous international squad.
  20. There's a girl on mine who has shared a post from a different friend who's apparently picked up someone's wallet and phone. This third party "would love to get it back to *names person* - so has set about attempting to have people share this until the guy is contacted. Hand the fucking thing into the police station and don't be such an attention seeking cunto. The guy might not even have a facebook account.
  21. Might also be an improvement on his own performance from last year. Does a Zaliukas arrival signal the end for Lee Ashcroft?
  22. Carpi or Frosinone surely? He was hotly tipped as a youngster with Lecce, but I think the same weight issue cropped up.
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