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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Hang on. Everybody stop what they're doing, there's a 45 year old man gone missing. Last seen Chicago Illinois, be on the look out everyone.
  2. I'm not sure if I buy this. How many were we told weren't coming back until MJ was gone? I don't think our crowd has improved a great deal since his departure. Now we're to believe that people will flood back if Gary Locke's sacked? I'm not suggesting people have a moral compunction to attend football matches, but the reasons behind our dwindling attendances are more complex than the personnel. I've got mine already. £50 aff Cheers Jimbo!!
  3. OMG!!!1! Three years since Gillian's hen do!!! Gd lk with the divorce hunni!!!! xxxxxoxxxoxoxoxoxx
  4. Blimey, that is a bit worrying - no chance it's just sour grapes? I've just read this. You don't know what you're watching. I've never seen a player of his age so consistently retain possession like Craig Slater does.
  5. They look like cannons, pointed top-left. Cannons of underinformed choices, ready to blow the political debate wide open because they hate all the immigrants they've never met.
  6. No' entirely surprising. I think Pat Nevin might have been the last Kilmarnock player to successfully cross a ball...
  7. Good post mate. I see you're new here, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself? What's your name and where do you come from?
  8. This happened and is indicative of stuff that is happening right now! While most of you ignore this, our land is under threat! I was listening to the radio yesterday, and a well-known country singer was introduced as SHARIAH Twain!!! All to avoid offending Muslamic listeners!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. ...Christmas comes but once a year...
  10. Apparently Fatty Foulke was invited to play in goal for a World XI at Papa Idris' first testimonial.
  11. We haven't been brilliant, but we're improving. We're certainly not going to get relegated. This season or next season.
  12. So Aston Villa are in the FA Cup final - a competition they last won in....1957... The omens are stacking up already for the bairns
  13. Classic under-representation of our brave boys...share if you think this is an OUTRAGE!!!! #asylumseekersgohome
  14. Never understood this "making a mockery of Scottish football" rhetoric. It's similar to the whole "our game is a laughing stock" chat - inasmuch as it assumes a level of interest outside Scotland that simply doesn't exist. Picture the scene in a Parisian office. Two guys having a great laugh at the nick of Scottish football. Aye.
  15. That's one of the best things I've seen in a long time.
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