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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Do you know any more about him? I mean, is he any good? Not a huge watcher of the football league.
  2. According to Wikipedia, he's played 19 of 26 league games this season. Why would they loan him out?
  3. Nah, it'll be great! Hilarious anecdotes about what happened in old firm games twenty years ago, with creeping references to players using their first names only? What's not to like?!
  4. Liked Harkins at Kilmarnock, although anyone who spits the dummy so dramatically after being subbed off we could do without. I love how much he obviously enjoys his new role of panto villain at Rugby Park.
  5. Papped back to Chelsea yesterday apparently. Time to close the thread I think. Another red herring.
  6. Will Alan Rickman be to David Bowie what Mother Teresa was to Princess Diana?
  7. Any time there's ever an opportunity for the people of p&b to discuss their eating habits a part of me dies inside.
  8. I fucking knew No didn't always mean NO. Thanks Mozza!
  9. But I F.A.I.L.ed my driving test more than once...
  10. I hate it when the time comes to sack a manager, but unfortunately it's here again. The worst thing is that I don't see many problems with his recruitment (on the pitch at least) - he just doesn't seem able to get them playing, and we can't afford to wait any longer I'm afraid. Stuart Mccall doesn't fill me entirely with confidence, but we've gone down the "inexperienced ex-player route twice consecutively. We've deteriorated immeasurably with both.
  11. You can't really compare the two tbh, and I don't mean in terms of the respective financial dealings of Rangers and Manchester United. There exists a totally different culture around non-senior football in England, both in terms of their involvement in the FA Cup and the overall league pyramid. Fine, I'm sure there are a lot of Clydebank fans who still love going to watch their team play, and get a great enjoyment out of their efforts - but non-league football in Scotland is treated as this pathetic sideshow, rather than a smaller part of the big picture. That's not to say that FCUM supporters have the ultimate aim of seeing their club get promoted to the football league, but you can't deny that the presence of that possibility is a bit more tempting than its absence.
  12. The Daily Mail readership's take on this OUTRAGE has to be read to be believed... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3299973/Tesco-worker-sent-home-blacking-dress-Big-Momma-character-Halloween.html Fed Up, Plymouth, writes - "Talk about an over-reaction. Who is actually offended here? All those complaining need to get a life and 'lighten up'." 1260 greenies... D-1st-John-Doe, on the other hand, crucially misses the tone... - "Very insensitive, we as people need to have more empathy for others." 357 red dots...
  13. Did Isaac English not have a similar bad habit of dragging his anus around the living room carpet?
  14. I seem to be better at predicting football results when I don't have any money on them... Anyhow, Middlesbrough away in the quarter finals. Would have preferred a home tie, but still winnable. Back to league business on Sunday, hoping that Sunderland won't have taken enough confidence from their derby win to upset the apple cart at Goodison.
  15. People who get frothy-mouthed about somebody's decision to wear a poppy or not, in my experience, tend also to be Marine-A-supporting weirdos. ETA - I tend to wear one myself to the Remembrance Sunday service, but the number of fucks I give about what someone else does or doesn't wear = 0.
  16. Certainly did it the hard way, but sitting now in the quarter finals with Chelsea and Arsenal both out. Still fancy either City, United or Liverpool to drop out at this stage as well.
  17. Oh Rhonnie This guy surely has to climb the podium as one of the most hysterically inept Celtic managers of all time. Tactically embarrassed on a routine basis, suspect signing policy, recruited John "The Body" Collins.
  18. I'd imagine so. They'll be showing James Bond next week.
  19. Sad news on Howard Kendall, although I must say I was surprised to hear he was only 69. Is he still the youngest player to play in an FA Cup Final?
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