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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Squad player, you can see the esteem that he's held in within the dressing room - I think that's why Clark was so consistent in talking him up in his dealings with the press. Reckon he's being groomed for a coaching/mentoring position. His experience and reputation could be invaluable with such a young group of players.
  2. So it turns out that a lot of mummies really fucking hate matadors...
  3. Can't understand Slaters decision. I really felt he'd get a bigger move than that. Certainly if he plays like he can he won't be at that level for long, good luck to him.
  4. Who said club DECE was dead?
  5. I think that makes Josh Magennis the first Kilmarnock player to feature in a major championships? Was mulling this over with my cousin, and the closest we got was Jim Stewart in 1974 - but he didn't actually play.
  6. Apparently Steve Harper, Alan Thompson and Steve Watson were guests of the manager at the Falkirk game. New coaching staff perhaps?
  7. I'd love to crash the cymbals together. Fancy starting a band? Brass, not orange if that's kl..
  8. So before all the rest of the players were told to f**k off with varying degrees of urgency? Quite surprised at that. You don't think they'd have been a bit suspicious?
  9. Wasn't expecting to see Craig Slater in the promotional photo shoot....maybe a change of heart?
  10. Better go and borrow Captain Sensibles shoes...
  11. When Dundee last won the Scottish Cup, Florence Nightingale was still alive...
  12. I'll tell you what'll give her some sort of comfort...
  13. I'm always conscious of over hyping young players when they've only just arrived on the scene. All a bit Celtic for my tastes.
  14. As skilful as he undoubtedly is I always thought Chris Johnston was a bit faint hearted to make the most of his potential. Ok, he's very light - but he was visibly gingerly about tackles before his injury. With the added psychological impact of a serious injury I really felt that tentativeness would only increase. I'd be surprised in all honesty if he goes on to make an impact on the top flight again.
  15. It's B. Proponents of A, or as I call them 'underhangers' should be deprived of the right to use the paper. It's the only way they'll learn.
  16. You've been itching to use that line since you heard it eh?
  17. It's short for "ganache", he's a time served baker who specialised in chocolaterie prior to giving it up to focus on football.
  18. That is one odd character. I enjoy watching him play certainly, but it takes a certain type of dullard to make Ding look like the life and soul of any party.
  19. A puppet government would have been installed, and we'd have kept English as a first language. I often wonder though, if German might have been the common language in the way English is today though.
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