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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. You can relive your youth by listening to his show on Radio X of a morning - reassuringly he's still just as much of a bitter, insufferable c**t as he was then...
  2. Already my nerves are jangling about Saturday. A win and we're looking up the table, a defeat and we're probably looking down again. Just hope the old Kilmarnock benevolent society routine doesn't kick in with our visitors struggling so much recently...
  3. In the late 90s my father had a chance meeting in Food Giant with the sister of a guy who'd played for St Mirren in the 50s. He saw fit to reproduce this occasion as an anecdote about two years ago. I'm still not sure why. Also, as soon as I read the name I instantly thought carrier bags. I'm fairly sure I heard they were bulletproof.
  4. I actually think McCulloch deserves a chance if he wants it. Did well last season in the couple of games he had - and it's the closest thing to a bit of stability we can get before taking the close season to reevaulate.
  5. Disappointed to lose Lee Clark, but he was never a long term solution. Commuting from the North East, staying in the hotel, and having never brought in any of his own staff...I'm not surprised he's away. Having said that, he's undoubtedly improved us - and I think it needed someone to come in and sweep the floor with a new broom. Good luck to him.
  6. What the fuck do either of them ask for at the hairdressers?
  7. I'm slightly worried that the coming together of Conor Sammon and Nathan Tyson is foretold in the book of revelations. Racially negative doppelgangers, maybe they'll end up solving murders together.
  8. To be honest, this description is really only a few terminally ill children and a tearful Amanda Holden away from the Pride of Britain awards, and c***s* lap that up on an annual basis. *Brexiteers, Rangers supporters, and readers of the Daily Express
  9. Bah [emoji19] You c***s and your facts, and reasonable opinions. I'm still not impressed I tells ye.
  10. So we're giving their youth setup another boost are we? This is getting a bit annoying. What on earth has happened to u20s?
  11. This kind of behaviour, embarrassingly enough, doesn't stop at adolescence though does it? It's a behavioural trope of the Scottish middle class to revel in the stereotypical excesses of their working class counterparts - most notably booze, language and violence - without enduring the threat of their presence in reality. All they're doing is providing the next generation of Stanley Baxters/Elaine C Smiths. It's seemingly a national tradition, and it winds me up to an improbable extent.
  12. Ten years on and this dead horse is really still being flogged? Are you Johnathan Watson?
  13. Aye, because that's what comprises the entirety of Italian cuisine right there...
  14. I liked them both actually - hopefully this is a sign of growing confidence in Addison's fitness.
  15. Not me, I hope my favourite purveyor of deid ex-battery hens sticks to it's guns on the anti-homeless front. Keep Nando's cheeky, not reeky of pish. Thx.
  16. He's been a good signing. Nothing fancy from him, wins the ball and moves it on or boots it out.
  17. That's fine, Dapo Kayode usually does a sweep of the stands on a Monday night looking for things to recycle.
  18. That might genuinely be my row - hope you left it in good order...
  19. I'm usually in the west stand (#poshcunt) - it's pretty good tbf, was actually pretty surprised at the state of the chadwick
  20. Went along to the rugby yesterday. I didn't realise how rough the chadwick stand is - literally had my feet in a puddle the whole game. Also, there were about 4 rows where the lettering was in any way visible - loads of people just blankly walking up and down the stairs.
  21. Given the makeup of our squad this season - with the sheer number of loans and young players getting a first opportunity - I would be absolutely astonished if we're paying £1k/wk on average. Although it does present another chance to laugh at Dundee, so I'm a bit torn.
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