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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. First time I've noticed this thread. I'm anxious to find out what's become of poor throbbers missus since she was completely humiliated by the man in her life...
  2. Didn't know there was a classless way of being so tactful but you appear to have nailed it.
  3. I wonder if hibs have peaked too early to make the playoff the forgone conclusion that everyone seems to expect, but nevertheless I'd rather not be the team who find themselves testing that particular theory. So yeah, tenth is a minimum aim. I agree with you. I think we're a mid table squad that's been mismanaged into a relegation battle, but I still think we're good enough to get out of it. Defending has been an issue for a few seasons, but there's been green shoots of late and Hodson looks a good addition. I think the main thing we're looking for is a bit of confidence, and he certainly seems like the kind of character that can instill that in the short term. "Who knows" is the short answer. Relegation would be a bit of a disaster, because as we all know - if Kilmarnock go down we won't be back up until the earth is sucked into the sun.
  4. I've developed quite the affection for him already. The football and the experience of going has been absolutely turgid for years now, looking forward to a change.
  5. Love the infuriating big guy. If he could play at his best with any consistency he'd probably be at PSG or something.
  6. Full history aye? Right, you've officially piqued my interest. Go on...
  7. That's it Miguel, had forgotten about the fucking song as well. I'm in a world of hate now.
  8. I hate the advert, think it might be Lloyd s, where the Dad of a family is going about trying to cut utilities bills and his family just openly disrespect him. Why does the teenage daughter take the lid off that saucepan for any reason other than to be an actual c**t?! And then to top it off the wee girl at the end who tells him to get off the phone - that wee bitch would be getting pedigreed.
  9. Have you ever actually heard anyone, anywhere, ever use this expression? What atrocious patter.
  10. Two fish in a tank. One turns to the other and says... "Here, did you hear Gary Dicker's signed for Kilmarnock?"
  11. A Scotsman, an Englishman and Gary Dicker walk into a bar. Behind the laughs and reminiscience they all share an unspoken fear that male friendship is little more than transient cameraderie, and that they're all crucially alone in this world.
  12. 15?! That's a bit excessive. Even a few of the recipients will surely have the self awareness to realise they were among the last names on the team sheet.
  13. To answer the question, Smith's actually played pretty well in midfield - he's past it at left back.
  14. Where's Craigie by the way? I only realised this morning that there had been an absence of his uniquely phrased questions about prospective transfers? This is usually the time of year when he goes into overdrive! Surely we've not been so shite as to put him off?
  15. I once told an English colleague that Dundee was home to the UK's largest Chinese community. He believed me.
  16. Hello all slow cookers - I'm looking for some advice. I'm doing a shoulder of pork in mine this afternoon, it's in just now with some onions, garlic, chicken stock, salt, cinnamon, sugar, chilli and cumin. The question is, do I turn this thing over halfway through or something? It seems unfathomably big to cook in this meagre amount of liquid. Expecting folk for about 4-4.30. My only slow cooker experience thus far was a god awful beef bourgignon about a year ago, and I don't want to similarly f**k this up.
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