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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Echo your sentiments but I really don't think he'll keep weight off in part time football. I was actually quite disappointed to lose him in the summer - definitely a player in there.
  2. That actually looks quite a decent crowd - usually the folk on this thread seem like massive ringpieces, but I reckon I'd get on well in Busby's...
  3. Bullying eachother? Usually the dynamic of that situation runs to a more unilateral order.
  4. I seem to remember hearing that the Dutch international team always play an invited amateur side prior to big tournaments with a view to winning 25-0 or something. An attempt to build confidence, although I've never been convinced.
  5. What a total embarrassment I had forgotten all about this thread - definitely a p&b classic! We are all Dindeleux
  6. Now this is interesting. I've liked this wee player since the first time I saw him. Although this would now mean attacking options would be Boyd, Magennis, Higginbotham, Carrick, Obadeyi - with players like Kiltie, McKenzie and Johnston squad too. Could be a bit front-loaded.
  7. I can't stand Billy Brown. The sooner him and his ilk are out of Scottish football the better.
  8. Just like a werewolf does to a full moon?...nope, you've all lost me in a mist of mixed metaphors...
  9. He's a marginally better goalkeeper. He'll cost us points almost as well. Distribution a massive problem for both - Samson has zero confidence at the moment, but to suggest he's technically a long way behind MacDonald is ridiculous.
  10. I can't imagine we've the budget for that. Also, it might come across as undermining the manager given we've never operated that system before.
  11. Pleased to see Tom Cleverley signing - he's had his critics in the past, but that's potentially a really good addition.
  12. This is one of my new favourite things in the world. "19 dog related psychological experiments that will never be solved by your Dad"
  13. Cliff Richard is still banned from ever re-entering Australia, after savagely biting a koala on a live tv segment gone wrong.
  14. ^^^ At first glance I thought this was in response to the parking question, and began to think it had all along been a covert dogging set-up. Faux pas avoided.
  15. Disagree. Connolly and O'Dea would be a huge improvement on what we've had at centre half for quite a while.
  16. My cousins currently boarding a flight at Heathrow, and Chuba Akpom is on it. Excitedly talking about being the next Steve Maskrey.
  17. I've seen him a few times this season, and I really don't think he's much of an improvement on what we have. Heard distressing rumours about Kenny Miller yesterday...
  18. Always liked this player, although I'd be worried that it might mean our move for Boyd has hit the buffers.
  19. I really can't see how we're going to get better by letting him go.
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