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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Oh - you guys!! lol

  2. nice one I watched a couple of dvds last night with my flatmates. Little Miss Sunshine, one of the best, most subtle comedies I've seen for a long time. So many opportunities to slapstick up the plot were refused, it was excellent. Beautifully paced, well-acted and starring one of my favourite actresses in Toni Collette. An excellent film 9/10 I watched Open Water immediately afterwards and thought it was a perfect representation of wasted potential. I'm always interested by films that are predominately a single scene and had meant to watch this one since I heard about it at first. With the exception of some wooden acting, and a few horrendously clunky lines. This was a very good film indeed. Well shot, well paced and the concept was terrifying. An excellent study into paranoia, false bravado, and desperation. With slight improvement to the script and two more subtle actors - this could have been a classic. As it was, it was very reasonable indeed. 7/10
  3. Last night I had the dubious honour of watching, what I consider to be, the worst film of all time. Having sat through the original Dawn of the Dead, I was hardly optimistic - but this remake plumbed new depths in the already barren nu-metal/horror genre. In a two-hour long exhibition in how to make a film without the luxury of plot or character, Dawn of the Dead looked tailored explicitly and exclusively to the kind of mangy youth with acne, who passes his spare time leafing through gun catalogues with his abnormally oversized right arm while ranting against the constraints of a comfortable middle class upbringing - a youth whose experience of the fairer sex is anime comics - a sullen faced b*****d who resents the company of people with the emotional intelligence to consign this kind of banal, gratuitous, grotesque exhibitionism to the heap. It's not often that one feels compelled to sit through a film as atrocious as this, not for some sort ironic titilation, but to see how far standards have slipped. This bilge made George A. Romero's 1978 offering look like Hamlet in a glaring indictment of how rotten.com and Papa Roach will eventually kill us all. Lucky to score 0 / 10 - treat with disdainful caution.
  4. I went to see Rocky Balboa at the cinema last night - can't be bothered typing out the same appraisal I did in the film thread. Suffice to say, IMO its the best since the original. A thrilling return to form - 8/10
  5. Is Vincent Cassell in that film? A sensational actor, and apparently famed for his energetic approach to improvisation.
  6. I didn't even know there was a film made of it. Was one of my favourite books as a whippersnapper - I reread it this summer after getting classics of amazon.co.uk for £2, cracking stuff.
  7. It was in fact Journey to the Centre of the Earth that sprung to mind when I was watching that film - I'd love to see what he'd do with it.
  8. Watched King Kong with a couple of mates last night - hadnt seen it before. I thought it was a reasonable little swashbuckler. Good fun, and quite charming. Criticisms would be poor pacing in the middle of the film - my attention started to wane. Also, some of the blue screen bits were a bit poorer than one expects of a big budget Peter Jackson epic. Over all. An enjoyable 7 / 10 Still, you've gotta love that guy - he doesn't do things by halves. I'd love him to get his hands on a Jules Verne adaptation.
  9. Agree entirely, it is the writing that lets it down. A couple more gratuitously violent scenes inserted to try and make up for a beautifully crafted plot. It smacks of a sequel all too hastily thrown together to follow in the slipstream of its prequel.
  10. I watched Saw 2 on dvd for the first time last night. I really liked the first one, but this I thought was pretty shit. A poorly constructed copy of the first outing, with a less shocking twist presented in a pretentious manner - the larger cast in danger gave it a bit of a late 90s early 2000s, nu-metal, teen horror quality to it. Lacked all of the claustrophobic atmosphere pain-stakingly created in the prequel. A disappointing 4 / 10.
  11. I watched Battle Royale 2 on the telly last night - having thought the first one was alright, I stupidly thought the sequel might follow suit. After a reasonable start, it quickly deteriorated into one of the worst films I have ever seen. 1/10
  12. I watched a French film called The Chorus last night - one of the most touchingly beautiful films I have ever seen. The boys of a strict French borstal are given a new look at life through the creation of a choir by an inspirational teacher. Utterly sensational, I cant recommend this nearly enough - 10/10
  13. Watched Cold Mountain last night on DVD. Well shot, but it avoided a couple of issues to do with the Civil War in order to concentrate on one man's love story. 6/10 - Not bad, a touch overlong in the middle - a bit like the book...
  14. Absolutely wonderful result for the "Dunblane Dynamo" - my only fear is that once he gets the press shouting the odds on his behalf he tends to lose it a wee bit, but who knows - Federer is a wonderful player, and to have a Scot that can beat him is simply fantastic!!! I just hope the English press don't build him up for a fall at the US Open, he's still a young player and despite his results it's a totally different game in the Grand Slams - the big players seem to always step it up when they get there (with the exception of Roddick ). Having said that, did he not win the juniors there a couple of years ago - when he burst on to the radar at first?
  15. It really annoys me when people slag off old Timmy Ra - not only has he enjoyed prolonged success at Wimbledon, but he's also won a multitude of tour events and appeared in the semi finals of two of the other three grand slams. Also, how long was he ranked in the top twenty for?
  16. Its not as if he lost to a complete muppet though, Bagdatis (sp) can play a bit - look at how well he did in the Australian Open. Murray's done very well again at Wimbledon this year, although he has to improve on his season's form in the coming year. Well done Andy
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