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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. So it turns out my work server flags up the word "facials"...
  2. PB equalling 9/10 on my last day for a while. A vague knowledge of classics blocking me from a full house. Is it weird that I'm actually considering doing a bit of study to enhance my score at this?
  3. Second guessed myself from a tremendous 8/10 all the way down to a so-so 5/10. Tomorrow I'm planning on being more spontaneous...
  4. 5/10. I'm beginning to think I'll never get full marks from this. There's always two or three that I have to blatantly guess at.
  5. 8/10 today. Bit of a surprise as two or three were absolute guesses. On the one about the queen's horse, the correct answer was the only one I was sure it wasn't...
  6. John Stones expected to make his first start for England tonight.
  7. I didn't expect many points from these first three games - but ten conceded?!
  8. She's maybe just in the middle of a monster comedown.
  9. I'm a bit surprised it's two years. Doesn't he have a bit of a petulant reputation as well?
  10. 3/10. An embarrassment compounded by the fact that the questions I got right were about facebook, Breaking Bad and ITV. #lowbrow
  11. First three wrong, subsequent seven right. I was 50/50 on the spelling and plumped for the wrong one. I fucking love this quiz.
  12. 9/10 - let down, surprisingly, by a lack of booze knowledge! 2 guesses, both correct - today should have been my first 10...the hunt continues...
  13. I didn't really think Lukaku would sign you know, fantastic piece of business by the club and a real statement of intent as was mentioned earlier. I'd still like to see another central defender arrive before the start of the season, but I can't see there's much left in the purse. The only thing that concerns me is the fear that this might be the same as Spurs did last summer - spending money in anticipation of selling Gareth Bale - or maybe I'm reading too much into Ross Barkley's new deal. Exciting times ahead...
  14. I wonder if that's a release clause thing, hopefully not.
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