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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. I work from home Tuesday & Wednesday usually anyway so I'm already set up for it. Usually I go to a spin class or walk at lunchtime to break up the day. f**k knows what it'll be like doing it full timer for the next 3 months, though.
  2. Got told yesterday to work from home from Monday until the foreseeable. They reckon it could be 2-3 months before we come back to the office. I'm going to go round the bend after a month I reckon.
  3. I reckon I'm responsible for about 10k views of those top two videos tbh.
  4. Would they not have set up to treat what's now known as the symptoms rather than a root cause? Pure guesswork on my part, I'm not a doctor.
  5. Aye I know someone who was hospitalised with pneumonia after having flu-like symptoms before Christmas. Could be a coincidence, but also the world wasn't exactly looking for this virus so wouldn't have been picked up?
  6. Went over to the Farmfoods across the road from me for bread & milk. The panic buyers have been out in full force.
  7. Went just before Christmas for a weekend and it was class. El Rastro flea market was a good laugh to walk around and there was loads of street entertainers hanging about. It's definitely more metropolitan feeling than Barcelona or Valencia but it's absolutely class to just wander around.
  8. I thought Hylton took a weird stutter step which completely took away any hope of us getting anything out of it as well. All in all we made a complete arse of it.
  9. Robinson claiming that's a penalty for the challenge from Zlamal on Hylton is a total fucking riddy btw.
  10. The reaction around me when Mugabi stormed back to the dugout as Hartley was down injured would suggest you are not alone.
  11. How is it I can hear him shouting for headers at the far end of the park when I sit in the Cooper. Absolutely love the guy now. Some of his tackles where he just wipes ball/man/passers by out are absolutely glorious.
  12. Direct replacement for Ariyibi from last season tbf. He'd nutmeg four folk wide on the left then break a window in Carluke with his shot.
  13. 3 minutes in I thought we were in for another clown car performance. Then we managed to get a grip on things and that was probably as dominant a performance as I've seen at Fir Park in months. O'Hara was absolutely ridiculous in the first half. It seemed that every time the ball went up in the air or County were breaking O'Hara was the one winning the tackle or headering it 30 yards clear. Huge fan of him and I really hope we manage to chuck a contract at him ASAP. Overall Campbell was MOTM, though. One of his best games for us imo. Bodying folk in 50-50s at the back and being the first man into the box when we were attacking. Deservedly scored a double by having the determination to follow everything into the box. Seconding everything about Long being a weirdly angry man.
  14. I've just finished it and fair enjoyed it. It's definitely self indulgent, but it's interesting to see how a player is brought back from that.
  15. I saw it pop up earlier and thought we'd get a wee 4-5 minute montage of him being a fucking baller. 38 minutes seems self-indulgent. Haven't watched it yet, mind.
  16. We're only in the top 3 because no other c**t wants it.
  17. I'd rather start a man short than start Mugabi at centre half. Would definitely start that as a front 3 though.
  18. Late to this thread but that's a 10/10 patter performance from the referee. Great, great stuff.
  19. Duncan forgetting the man of the match's name was spectacularly awkward but very entertaining.
  20. I mean at least we don't have to watch our defence make Brian Graham look like Zlatan anymore.
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