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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. I got the full swab up the nose and the gub for it to be confirmed. No recollection of about a week of my life as I was absolutely out the game. Think I lost like a stone and a half which, at the time when I was built like the gable end of a crisp was not a good look.
  2. Was there any confirmed cases of P&B swine flu during the 2009 pandemic? I had it. It was fucking horrible. 1/10 would not recommend.
  3. This is the move. Then I'll do it again in a few years when they get around to launching Obi Wan.
  4. Judging by his Instagram posts he looks like he's having a shite time over there with all that good weather and amazing places to see.
  5. MacIver wins a huge number of headers tbf. If he could get a bit of direction on them and have folk knowing that he could be useful. Seedorf's hopeless, though.
  6. I can generally forgive a lot in Motherwell players. Ryan Bowman, for example. Shite at fitba but the guy absolutely tried his arse off every time he was on the park. Jacob Blyth can take a flying f**k to himself though. An absolute helmet of a man.
  7. Seldom am I one to absolutely lose the heid at the fitba but fair play to Hartley & Mugabi. It's fair to say they got a reaction out of me.
  8. Really excited to watch another fucking shite game of football while freezing my nuts off. Just hadn't had enough of those recently.
  9. Just here to bump this point made previously by the right honourable gentleman, @Al B
  10. The split/steal thing would be entertaining if it wasn't the most predictable outcome going. Nobody is willing to sacrifice their Boohoo deal for an extra £25k.
  11. The lad in front of me on Saturday fits in to this. His blood pressure must be through the ceiling having spent 90 minutes utterly losing his shit every time an Accies player put a tackle in.
  12. I don't think there's any debate that any referee in the country would have given at least a yellow for that challenge. It's so late and so high. As for kicking the ball away, that seems to be a toss of the coin as to whether a referee will pick up on it. I'll agree the consistency is infuriating but @Dosser-fae-the-shire sums it up. He looked in a big huff from the first kick of the ball and both bookings came out of that.
  13. This is pretty much it for me. The initial booking was probably soft, but to chuck himself in to a grim challenge like that is utterly fucking stupid.
  14. That tackle from Long is an absolute howler. Booking or not he was going off for that.
  15. I'll get you in the queue. I'll take 2 scoops of millionaire's shortbread ice cream, please.
  16. I'm very much tempted to wait until a line up is announced before I opt to go to Hamilton away tomorrow. If it includes Hartley or Mugabi I'll take my £25 and go get a fish supper and a cone from Equis instead.
  17. I'd be surprised if we see either Hartley or Mugabi in the team on Saturday tbh. Christ I'd even start with Tait & Donnelly at the back. Or, f**k it. Just Liam Donnelly and do a tombola amongst our forwards for the rest of the team.
  18. I'm not suggesting we hang Hartley out to dry and send him out running on his on round Strathclyde park instead of training. I'd just be reluctant to have him playing now as he is a liability. I think if Dunne had stayed injury free we'd have had him and Gallagher playing week in, week out which I'd have been happy with. Donnelly has been a revelation in midfield this season, but I thought he was great at the back. Obviously we were on the front foot but Donnelly's ability to ping passes about with accuracy completely changed how I felt when we were bringing the ball out. I suspect Manzinga is probably on relatively low wages anyway. But when you're in need of a winning goal and you look down the bench to see Ilic, Seedorf and Manzinga staring back at you it's got to be uninspiring as a manager. Digging a hole at centre half is currently a more preferable option than Mugabi in that it might occasionally catch a forward out.
  19. Having had a couple of days to digest it I'm probably less of a seething mess now. I totally wrote Hartley off at the start of the season, then he managed to come back into it for a while and I was happy to keep him in the team. However he is now getting the same treatment as Christophe Berra got. Teams are happy for him to have the ball because his distribution is utterly atrocious. The number of times he'll give a 10 yard pass in to midfield straight to the opposition is grim viewing. Watching him escort Obika from the half way line into the box for the third goal the other night was quite spectacular. First time I saw Mugabi I wasn't convinced. Then he played in a few other games and appeared to be...ok-ish and we slapped an 18 month deal in front of him which seemed rash at the time. The guy gives me the absolute fear when he's in the team. As it stands I'd be looking at playing Gallagher and Donnelly at the back. He's been good in midfield but then we've got O'Hara to come in there for him which is an ideal swap. I also thought Manzinga was a young player we'd signed as a prospect, but it appears he's not that young and not that good.
  20. Mugabi & Hartley with a spectacular lack of awareness as a striker helps himself to a sidefoot volley 6 yards from goal.
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