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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. While nonsense defending is killing us at times, this is what is brutal. We have an entire squad with nobody who gives any sort of spark. Moult was, ultimately, a complete anomaly out of the conference leagues. It's unlikely we'll find a second one of those jobbing around somewhere. But when we had him we had someone who could score from basically nothing. McDonald was a moaning git but he was good at holding up play and linking midfield and attack. Marvin Johnson on his day was outstanding. Pace, power and, latterly, finishing. Christ even an Ainsworth, while being wildly inconsistent, at least could produce a ridiculous 35 yard strike out of nothing. Admittedly this next part is riddled with bias as I absolutely adore the man and worship the ground he walks on, but even Ciftci had a knack of pulling us up the park last season. He could trap a ball like a bag of cement and seemed almost impossible to nudge off the ball when he had it under control. This season we've got Main who has zero confidence, Bowman takes a first touch like a brick wall, Sammon is Sammon and Johnson fell away after a couple of goals. Coupled with Cadden playing about 50 yards further back than when he was at his best, Tait playing out of position and Elliot Frear impersonating a footballer there's nobody providing any decent crosses at this point. Indeed the first time we have shown anything like creativity is from a 19 year old from the reserves. It seems like we recruited with a quantity over quality approach which is proving to be a disaster. This "improving 12-18" stuff has been an abject failure as we've just brought in a load of bench warming jobbers instead of anyone who looks like they might force their way into the first team.
  2. A couple of alright bits of play following by us conceding a shit goal set to the Curb Your Enthusiasm soundtrack is my feelings. I agree though. They're not exactly having the easiest job.
  3. I would just like to bring this interview back up. Particularly the line: "We were still cobbling together a few results. Some of our performances prior to that Dundee game (McGhee's last, which they lost 5-1 at home) had been very good."
  4. Without a hint of the "Robinson out" murmur that's going around, this is my take as well. It's a minimum of 4 points, but really should be 6 from these next two games that would see him alright for now. I also really, really, REALLY want us to stop persisting with this 3-5-fucking-2. As soon as the line ups came out on Saturday I already knew exactly what was coming.
  5. Cannot wait for Lewis Irons to go for a coffee with someone who'll say we're class in training. I really do appreciate the social media guys' effort, but there comes a point where it almost feels like they're taking us for mugs.
  6. Aye it’s packed with zoomers but what the f**k was that. [emoji23]
  7. They also got away with murder from those guys who owned a coffee shop. I assume they either don’t want to be seen as being dicks on camera, or the BBC cover the costs so they’ll take them anyway. In the real world if someone gave you those to sell from your own business you’d chase them up the street.
  8. There’s nothing wrong with a chocolate and chilli donut. Tantrum in Glasgow we’re doing one a while back that was class. However Sriracha is a fermented hot sauce with garlic in it and, while it is delicious, doesn’t belong anywhere near a donut. I’ve also seen toddlers decorate cakes better than these idiots.
  9. Watched Gravity on Netflix the other night. Good film. The visual effects are spectacular and Sandra Bullock is great in it. 7/10
  10. O’Neill’s a bigoted fuckwit and no winners medal can deflect away from him being a total moonunit.
  11. It is with great sadness, but absolutely no surprise, that I announce that Colin O’Neill is at it again.
  12. On his day he was absolutely terrifying to watch. Pace to burn and had fullbacks shitting themselves. I also bumped into him in Ibiza airport and he was a lovely guy. All the best to him.
  13. You could say Cadden & Frear are very similar(Tommy Robinson following aside). The two of them look massively better when their starting position is about 20 yards further up the pitch. Cadden can run for days but he doesn't have the pace to burn past an attacker from inside his own half (a la Marvin Johnson). Frear can be effective but it's beating a mean and hitting a cross straight away.
  14. I mean both comics were absolute dog shit but an 'educational' comic to learn french from a bunch of folk who don't speak French was mental. Can't believe they won, and by such a huge margin.
  15. I get the use of filming them because it's to promote Windmills cafe and their work in the community, but I'm a bit bored watching them tbh. I just fire them on in another tab and listen to the audio on the off chance I actually do want to hear what they've got to say.
  16. I mean in terms of recent releases. Venom's nowhere near as bad as reviewers are painting it up to be.
  17. Saw Venom last night and it's entertaining tbh. I think the reviews are pretty unfair on it. I mean obviously if you're holding it up to compare against things in the MCU but that's an entire universe that's taken 10 years to build. It's in no way perfect, but it's a decent enough watch.
  18. I know Ainsworth was...mercurial, but at least he'd have something different to offer. We've got a lot of folk who are great athletes but we badly need someone who can take men on. Like I said before, it's almost as if we're waiting on Tanner to come back to play that attacking midfield role but he'll be rusty as hell.
  19. Even Main when he had a bit of confidence about him would be able to take the ball and hold it up/lay it off. At the minute he looks like he just doesn't want the ball. The lack of confidence anyone has this season is pretty miserable to watch. You can see every player on the park is terrified of misplacing a pass. I don't see a problem with that fear if you're defending your own box and just need to clear it, but I'd prefer someone took risks when we're going forward and tried to create a chance. What I wouldn't give to get Lionel Ainsworth back in for the season to give us something different.
  20. 60 goals, untold amounts of piss boiled and I would have his face tattooed on me.
  21. You shut your whore mouth. FWIW I have absolutely no problems with playing long balls provided they have some direction/idea behind them. If we've got Bowman/Main/Johnson running channels and clipping balls into a useful area for them to work with then that's fine, but Saturday was utterly tragic. Folk just slashing at the ball to get it anywhere away from goal then dropping back 5 yards is horrendous. And if Peter Hartley could stop giving away fucking stupid free kicks right at the edge of the box that would be dead sound.
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