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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. Friday Night Dinner returning is an absolute joy to behold.
  2. I'm pretty sure this next Avengers movie will be the end for Iron Man and Captain America. Whether or not that's them getting their totties, or striding off into the sunset is what's up for debate.
  3. One of my all time favourites as well. “Is he deid?” “Well I’m no Quincy, Jack. But I’d say he was deid aye.”
  4. Saw Avengers last night and thought it was excellent. Brolin was excellent as Thanos. Would agree that I struggled to feel much emotion over folk disappearing as they’ll be brought back soon. Big Strange already knows how this plays out but he’s telling nobody. Handing over the stone without any protest and being all knowing to Stark before he went. As a man who’s not overly in to comics, I had to google about the post credits scene as I had no idea what it meant [emoji23].
  5. I made the point the Rodgers isn't a particularly good manager to one of my Celtic supporting mates and his heid nearly came off his shoulders. My point is that you really need to judge him on his European results to see if they are making progress and they really, really aren't. First of all you have Lincoln Red Imps which was a riddy. But then to get pumped 7-0, 7-1, 5-0 is a total embarrassment regardless of what level you play football at. Also saw a tweet claiming that Celtic are so much better at playing young players. Mental how paying several million for youth players is quicker than actually developing your own.
  6. I reckon we’ll see him start the final alongside McHugh and Campbell to do exactly that. He’s definitely got the engine to get after him and, with all due respect, I’d rather sacrifice him to do that job than Campbell who is better with the ball.
  7. Can I just point out the the "Blue Pound" patter is one of my favourite phrases that banter years has ever put out.
  8. Hibernian Football Club are the MVP of the banter years. While many clubs have had their moments, no other club has so consistently had heads rolling off all over Govan.
  9. I never really doubted he'd be out long. I'd expect he'll have some kind of splint on it but will battle on through it.
  10. Monday morning brought some fresh bullshit. 1/ I’ll park this here. Unless you are discussing your car parking arrangements then get the f**k out of here with that. 2/ Someone proclaiming that a task “falls within their sphere”. I honestly felt a noticeable spike in my blood pressure when I heard it.
  11. Fair play to anyone who only watched episode 1. I put on Flittin' after work the other night and proceeded to scud the entire series back to back.
  12. Ainsworth is a human highlight real and god damn I miss him. I also forgot about that Kilmarnock game and David Ferguson being hooked after about 25 minutes after having his legs tied in knots.
  13. This is absolutely magic. Grant Russell has absolutely set a benchmark for others in the league in terms of #content. His point about humanising the players is absolutely bang on. Also I’m already buzzing for the next “Time for New Heroes” video as the last one was astounding.
  14. NMD? I have a pair and they are like fluffy clouds for your feet. Eyeing up a second pair just now.
  15. I think they probably will at some point. There's been talk of a new website for a while now so I'd expect the whole lot to be less clunky and not fall on it's arse whenever more than 6 folk get on it.
  16. I'm looking forward to picking up 40 tickets to Motherwell - St Johnstone before selling them at exorbitant prices on GetMeIn.
  17. That was my 4th time seeing them and it was, again, utterly spectacular. I've seen them at the SECC touring The Suburbs, The Barrowlands as The Reflektors and Primavera Sound last year. Every single time I've been completely blown away. Without a doubt the best band in the world today. So many highlights from last night. From the first kick of the ball to the final whistle it was the kind of thing that venue was built to host.
  18. Arcade Fire was the best thing I've seen live since the last time I went to see Arcade Fire.
  19. I've got a stauner you could cut glass with after reading this news.
  20. I pray to god Greggy brought the house down there. In Kenny we trust.
  21. I am buckled in for the sequel to Trio of Curries.
  22. Aye this is bang on. I'm having David to win now. If Nawamin wins with another Thai dish I'll be raging.
  23. Was better than last week but that’s not saying much. I did have a laugh at Winston showing up in confession and them jumping in to the river. Mick ruins the whole fucking show though. I watched Cairds on Netflix the other night and it is the greatest of all time episode. I still crease myself at “EIGHT. TITTIES.” [emoji23]
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