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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. He played a game up front with Ryan Bowman because someone on here declared it as Herbablyth and I still laugh at that to this day.
  2. Someone, somewhere must have the transcripts of these Zoom calls because I'd love to know if Hammell was blind drunk when he was on them.
  3. A few months ago I was getting a taxi from the Merchant City and there were 2 guys at the front of the queue trying to get a taxi to East Kilbride. We must have been about 8 or 9 folk back in the queue and wound up in a taxi before them. You'd have thought they were asking for a lift to the moon going by some of the reaction of the drivers when we got to the front.
  4. There are absolutely not enough taxis/ubers in Glasgow for this. And the ones that are available charge you through the nose. I got charged near enough £20 for a taxi journey that's about 12 minutes a while ago. And then you have the black hacks that you see knocking people back because they're either not willing to drive somewhere or they're "cash only" despite having stickers slapped on the outside that say they take card. The night bus going is just another shitshow from the city with the most disjointed & unreliable public transport you've ever seen.
  5. Aye but he appears to have shite patter, shite dress sense and nae c**t wants to room with him.
  6. Scott finally cracking last night was class. Hope he wins the whole show himself and gives a speech like The Golden Cleric.
  7. The whole Max Johnston thing is a series of stupid decisions. We chucked him in during the injury/covid/suspension shit under Alexander. He then got the media stuff and we seemed to have him marked as a very promising talent. To then ship him on loan because Alexander's a fucking idiot and fell out with everyone, in the last year of his contract and nothing about it is even questioned is fucking bananas. And that's before you consider that the newly appointed manager was THE FUCKING HEAD OF THE ACADEMY. Honestly lads. We couldn't run a hot bath.
  8. This is the Hammell era in a sentence tbf. One absolute calamity after another.
  9. I've got a hangover so I'm in a huff and looking at that squad list we put out yesterday isn't exactly filling me with any joy. 6 centre backs. The best of which is broken for at least the start of the season, Lamie & Mugabi played regularly in a team that was in complete freefall and looked nailed on for relegation. McGinn is fine, Blaney is a big brave boy but is still relatively unproven and Sam Campbell is definitely unproven. One left back who is currently coming back from a mystery injury that kept him out for 18 months. This is a concern in itself but even more concerning is that prior to this mystery injury he was complete dugmeat at football. It's looking like we're stuck with Maguire in midfield again who we know is nowhere near the level needed.
  10. There were heaps of folk wearing these cutting about Primavera last year and I felt very left out. On the subject of Danny Johnson: I feel like I'm a relatively level headed guy but, let me tell you, when folk were applauding him at Dundee away in January 2020 my head rolled clean off my shoulders.
  11. I mean I've said it already but seeing as we blew a massive hole in our budget emptying two hopeless case managers I doubt we're flush with cash to offer any major wages.
  12. Montel going for the deny, deny, deny routine while the producers are cooking up the Casa Amor supercut for the inevitable movie night.
  13. The club are shitebags for not leading this article with JOHNSTON SIGNS.
  14. I, personally, think that our manager should be publicly courting the signing of a former Scotland international in his 30s by mentioning it in every single interview.
  15. Look at him galloping down the wing. SODs is going to Germany. The redemption is on.
  16. The equaliser is so infuriating because there's 3 or 4 different glaring errors. Armstrong should have booted that ball into Rutherglen instead of trying a through ball. Nobody even goes near trying to stop the cross coming in. The entire defence is sleeping and nobody is even remotely marking Kane. Gordon's nailed to his goal line. Still annoyed tbh.
  17. Lads I've solved it. We make both of these roles into one. You need to air your grievances at a giant superhero costume holding a girder as a pet.
  18. Pretty sure we appointed 3 of them one morning and they were all gone by lunchtime. A volunteer role that you couldn't pay me enough to take.
  19. Know that thing where you remember something embarrassing you done like 10 years ago and it keeps you up at night. He must have the worst of all time for that.
  20. Louis Moult scoring twice in the League Cup semi is probably my all time favourite Hampden moment(s). However, as much as Hampden gets a hard time for atmosphere, I have never in my life seen a stadium collectively lose it as much as I have when Griffiths' second free kick hit the back of the net against England. Carnage all round. If we'd hung on it would have been a full on pitch invasion I reckon. Stuart f**cking Armstrong.
  21. A real shut up & play the hits feel to Robinson's latest soundbite about the new St Mirren signing:
  22. Aye. The fact we'd painted ourselves into the corner of having to have Crawford, Mugabi, Johansen, Lamie, McGinley etc all in the starting XI week in, week out is probably why they all tend to catch a lot of heat. All of them are *maybe* good enough to patch a gap on occasion (I'm being kind here) but having them all in the team is relegation material.
  23. We peaked at Bigirimana playing Heads Up. It's never getting any better.
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