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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. Faye is an odd one. She's been pretty horrible to a few different folk now. The way she's treated Teddy is pretty grim. Toby's genuinely just incredible to watch. Like there's absolutely nowt going on between his ears for the most part and it makes for fascinating telly. Last night's episode was excellent and I realised it's because Hugo didn't actually speak once.
  2. I've seen people snap handlebars and chains in the sprint events when they come out the blocks due to the amount of torque they put on the bike but I have never seen someones entire bike fall to pieces mid event like that Australian lad. Looked like a touch of wheels at first until the replays.
  3. Personally I wouldn't applaud him but for Murphy I can *almost* see why folk would do it. However when a substantial amount of our away support applauded DANNY FUCKING JOHNSON at Dundee my head nearly exploded. He was an absolute fucking donkey.
  4. I've enough room in my heart for any number of mercurial nutcases.
  5. Said it in the match thread but I feel really bad for him tbh. He was an excellent player for us for a fairly long period of time and managed to make a fist of it down south. Thought he was getting his dream move and his knee absolutely fell to bits. Looks so, painfully, off the pace of the game now.
  6. Even though we got beat I'm gutted I missed that tbh. Fir Park looked beaut.
  7. We're highly unlikely to win the league. So, failing that, I am absolutely up for us being a bit of a carry on. KVV looks like a wonderful player but he's 100% getting sent off for something absolutely fucking mental.
  8. Lads. I think I'm in love with this big mental Dutch c**t up front.
  9. I really liked him a Motherwell but goodness me his legs have gone completely. A properly empty jersey now.
  10. Carroll giving it his greatest hits today. Lovely crosses into the box as well as being absolutely fucking brainless at the back.
  11. Carroll running out to shut that cross down like he's pulling a caravan.
  12. Lefevere, once again, displaying how much of an absolute fucking space cadet he is.
  13. I'm still gutted at missing out on Beni Baningime tbqh. Guy's been the spine of my Motherwell team for about 6 seasons in FM.
  14. Ended up tuned into the triathlon relay. What a wild event! Thought the French lad might make it interesting on the bikes but as soon as Yee got to the running he absolutely cigared it.
  15. I think they sacked the tweets challenge a while back because the public are a bunch of b*****ds. But they could surely have a who said what to who challenge?
  16. Jake thinks he's smart coming back in like that but I'm assuming the producers have plans for that. Best Casa Amor ending of all time. Lillie coming in to grass on Liam was excellent.
  17. Fwiw I wouldn't say Crawford's guilty of not trying. I just think he's absolutely honking at fitba.
  18. Happy with that. Would assume the Sunderland thing can now be chalked down to an agent flying a kite? Sitting behind Liam Kelly's goal is class btw. "LAMIE! LAMIE! LAMIE! FUCKING STAY LAMIE! LAMIE FUCKING STAY!"
  19. I'm assuming Crawford's wage is minimal. I'd like to think, at best(worst?), he'll be one of the extra bodies we carry in the event of Covid knackering things. Would genuinely rather give minutes to someone we dig out the youth team than him, though. Or simply play with 10 men.
  20. Lawleff looks like he'd rip the utter pish out of anyone in a game of fives but he runs like his shoelaces are tied together. If someone fancied taking him off our hands so we could bring back Roberts I'd be on board with it. Maybe limping through the group stages and being a total calamity at the back in every game will show Alexander that several of these folk are absolutely nowhere near good enough.
  21. I did crack up laughing at having to swerve McGinley as the unsung hero. Against Airdrie he was hopeless, but he was even worse against Annan. Hopefully he gets himself sorted out though. A shite transfer window in the summer, followed by whatever curse the goalkeepers managed to invoke on themselves done us in last season. So it would be nice if we could look a wee bit competent this season.
  22. There has never been, and will never be, a more perfect Motherwell signing than Moult. Came as a total unknown, scored loads of goals and turned up in big games. I'll always have glorious memories of my head exploding into orbit somewhere above Hampden Park. I was a bit relieved when he didn't sign tbh.
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