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Posts posted by FairWeatherFan

  1. Why was he outside crying alone anyway?

    I watched it on my computer, so I wasn't paying the closest of attention. However I took it as him going off on his own to drop the facade of being Mr Happy in the group.

    There was a fair bit of the episode talking about how he was always looking on the bright side and being optimistic about it all. Then after everything that happened to him, it all became too much and he needed drop the act for a minute and recompose himself.

  2. Book/potential s5 spoiler

    an audition tape is on YouTube for someone trying out for one of the sand snakes roles and she's describing how Jamie has smuggled himself into dorne. Apparently they sometimes change names/details for auditions but if true then his arc could deviate hugely from the books. Seems like too much time has passed for him to go to the riverlands now

    book spoiler

    Guess that would mean Jamie replacing Balon Swann. Which isn't much of a loss I suppose and will at least keep a familiar face in that storyline for the TV audience. There are a tonne of new faces to potentially introduce soon and the cuts/changes are going to be more severe than previously it seems

  3. This isn't really a gambling question, but is gambling related.

    I withdrew £30 from my William Hill account on Monday and this usually takes a couple of days to get into my account as you may well know. It's now Friday morning and it hasn't reached my account. I got a new bank card from Lloyds TSB on wednesday morning, this has a different debit card number. So i'm assuming that's why the money isn't in my account.

    The question then is will the money find it's way into my account, or who do I get in touch with William Hill or my bank to find out where the money's gone/going?

    Thanks in advance

  4. Maybe it's just me, but I was expecting a little more fuss or fury from the Starks when the Rains of Castamere begins to play. Apart from Cat it seemed to go unnoticed.

  5. The best explanation for the Jericho videos i've seen.

    These videos are hyping a potential WM28 feud between CM Punk and Chris Jericho and here's why: In the video the little boy is representing Jericho and the little girl is representing Punk. Keep this in mind throughout my explanation. Notice, how the little boy continues to write in his notebook and the little girl keeps trying to look at what he is writing. Once the boy goes into the corner (Jericho's time off from WWE), The girl tries to do the work herself, but can't come up with anything. Keep in mind that she looked at the boy's notebook and this is implying that she has stolen the boy's work, which represents Jericho going to come back and claim that Punk is a fraud and has stolen his ideas and gimmick and what not. Also the ball in the video represents Jericho "dropping the ball" by leaving and Punk "taking the ball and running with it". The ball belonged to the boy and the girl took. At the end the girl, is standing in the spotlight and the boy is in the dark with his head down indicating that we have forgotten about Jericho and that Punk is the new guy we all know and love. This will lead to WM match with Punk and Jericho. Look within the video not what the kid is saying....
  6. Since it's inception I've been a fan of the brand split, but after hearing an interview with CM Punk I think i've changed my mind. With a unified World title, IC, US, Tag team & women's title you would actually have less titles than during the Attitude era. It might refocus the storylines and add something to the tag division. I was just wondering what other people's thoughts were of the split at the minute?

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