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Status Updates posted by SodjesSixteenIncher

  1. *Looks tired and forlorn whilst taking in your response*

  2. You ever seen Chinese Coffee? The pinnacle of Big Alan's shouting and looking tired career.

  3. Brilliant. That wifey is sadly probably about the 5th most famous living Scot now.

  4. Trying to mug me off with your repution? Facking slag.

  5. "great actors r like blue whales -have the capacity 2 dive 2 deepest parts of the ocean + bring up 2 us at surface waters of the unfathomable" Sounds like a right nutty salt.

  6. Secretly loves After Earth, imo. Mask slipping, backtracking furiously etc.

  7. You tryna' facking mug me off?

  8. Watched it. First I was thinking it was just that slag Andre talking shit about him tripping balls, then all of a sudden it took me on the deep train to Thoughtstown.

  9. Downloaded a few films that Richey Links said got him into cinema during an interview. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Dinner_with_Andre Whole film of just two guys sitting and talking about the meanng of life and death. Quite interesting.

  10. http://tiny.cc/abou0w Wonder how long it took Eth and Rich to find a 6 year concerned with the certitude of racoon mortality.
  11. Quite funny if they were actually laddish misogynists using the sense card for poon. More I read about that film, the more I think it could be a classic.

  12. "I play the father, and it's Tolstoy-esque in scope". Yep, either brilliant or pretentious poo.

  13. Ha didn't know that. That'll either be v. dece or the moment that they both finally slide up their own respective arses.

  14. There's another one of those Spanish Apartment/Russian Dolls films coming out YAAAAAAAS

  15. Probs cos those sensefests are all character drama and require a bit of acting. Can't imagine a proposal for a fim about some lad who wants to kill himself, walks around a bit and then actually does kill himself would make it too far at Universal Pictures.

  16. Would highly recommend this - http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01qqyt4/Oslo_August_31st/ Very much in the person walking about European capital city having FEELS category.

  17. Toying with torrenting this one. Some cast but looks like absolutely maximum threshold sensy levels -

  18. Quite surprived they didn't finish that off with the Marcel Proust questionnaire.

  19. Laughed at that more than I should have.

  20. Unfortunately most people in Scotland aren't. Got to do the old match 4/5 attributes on the young Audrey Tatou bird database.

  21. How did your woman find it?

  22. Had a mate at school who was of some undetermined non-white race. Think his folks were Middle Eastern of some variety. Told him to watch Training Day and it single-handedly turned him into a complete arsehole. Ended every sentence with "you feel me?" and called everyone "nigga" from the next day on. Zel ruined him.

  23. Don't think I'm going to even watch it now :C

  24. My respect for Linklater and co's commitment to top quality independent filmaking makes me want to reward them by actually paying to see it. Probs won't though.

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