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Mr Bairn

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Everything posted by Mr Bairn

  1. Between him and AUFC90 as well as the aforementioned clowns, we have ourselves a decent boyband
  2. Jeezus. Absolutely schooled him again. Oaksoft takes over from the fuckwit-in-chief as this week's NCC chump of the week. Awful showing.
  3. Meanwhile, I think it's time for the ATOS figures.
  4. ^^^ Too thick to understand it imo. Accurately explains your profession as well.
  5. Explains why you're selective about whether or not claims require proof.
  6. They're certainly good at extending the truth... Are you a vicar? Sounds about right given your talent in making claims and subsequently failing to prove them.
  7. Bizarre that anyone with the name "Reverend..." can claim to be a reliable source. He's certainly good at spreading unproven claims....
  8. The only remotely impartial source I've come across at this stage is STV and even that is only because a couple of their on screen commentators have worked hard to mask any establishment bias.
  9. Funny how now you become a proof-nazi Still waiting on the ATOS figures.....
  10. Started from scratch last night. 6 matches but only 2 of them are worth looking into. 4 of them blocked already.
  11. I saw a guy on facebook post his tinder scale 10 - Absolute worldies 10/10 I'd do depraved things.... 9 - Would bang 8 - Probably slip a digit on first date 7 - ok fairly decent 6 - nice personalities but splitting the bill 5 - Maybe if 5 beers deep 4 - Scraping the barrel 3 - Accidental swipe rights 2 - swipe left 1 - swipe left Same guy said he was swiping right about 80% of the time, matching 5-10 girls a day and meeting up with about one a fortnight
  12. Only 3% swing away from no, but yes hoovered up all of the undecided. Kinda what happened in 2011, Labour's vote held up but the Lib Dem vote swung right to the SNP
  13. 31 of my 900 odd facebook friends have liked yes Scotland 48 have liked better together 3 of them are duplicates though.
  14. What a bizarre thing to say. That yes voters are "making up their own minds" and anyone who votes no is simply "buying into the brand" Now I'm not denying the brand exists, hell it was me who brought it up, but it's a bit of a generalisation,
  15. Meanwhile, how about the ATOS figures? Wasn't trolling.
  16. Independence is simply yes popular in the under 20 bracket imo. They haven't lived under Thatcher and most probably haven't noticed the impact of the coalition cuts. Throwing things like the 2012 olympics making the "GB brand" attractive and you understand why the brand is attractive to these youngsters.
  17. You think there will be enough unionists left to riot?
  18. Agree with HB that if no wins the mountains of seethe on here will be one of the most entertaining things I've ever witnessed.
  19. If you get someone you know then you might as well swipe right, cos they will only know about it if they swipe right as well.
  20. Would Switzerland really choose Federer's weakest surface? If we host Switzerland we need to choose grass. Murray v Wawrinka and the doubles are sure wins on grass so then we either need Murray to beat Federer(very likely) or Dan to beat Stan(unlikely but still possible on grass)
  21. Is it an encouraging poll for yes? Of course it is. However I think it needs to be treated with a bit of caution. It's still within the margin of error of previous yougov polls and whilst there is a pro-yes swing, it would still leave them with a sizeable 8% swing to make up between now and September. Doable? Yes, but far from easy. I hardly think celebrating a 16 point lead is "clutching at straws", the bottom line is this poll doesn't tell us all that much we didn't already know imo
  22. I hardly expect a 1.5% swing to get yes Scotland excited. Let's see what Curtice has to say on the matter.
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