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Rab B Nesbit

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Everything posted by Rab B Nesbit

  1. ... what a state you’ve got yourself in. What a works night out we had on Friday by the way ... .
  2. Good wee friendly Pathhead 0-3 Leith Athletic tonight at Calendar Park ...
  3. I’ve no idea what he’s signing but that was how to do it.
  4. It’s all good fun TP loved the banter last few weeks . Yes why didn’t I think of it - that’s my song sorted !
  5. Ooft what a list ! I think I would just have stuck with Edusport.
  6. Word is there were more in the megastore at the time.
  7. Just perfect finally nearly there . Hit red for the Champions.
  8. Now you are just showing off. Just started attempting to prepare an upstairs sash window for painting. Absolutely no reason to be cheerful.
  9. I love red dots TTP. The post Liverpool Champions League meltdown has been delicious and going red will stand as a very fitting lasting monument ... .
  10. Best of luck with it Bairny. Gave the lawn another cut tonight it’s been a great mix of weather with the rain and sunshine this week.
  11. Patrick Vieira a possible replacement for Rafa at United ?
  12. Just you leave him alone Sarge. He’s given up lots of his time and helped me enormously in my red dot appeal to commemorate Liverpool’s European Cup success.
  13. Reds are the new greens Tam get with the script ... . #champions
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