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Everything posted by forameus

  1. That's the annoying thing. Right now they have a big roster, but they seem really reluctant to let those at the bottom feature. That wouldn't be so much of an issue if they weren't being hammered with injuries, as you'd have Bryan, Rollins, Cesaro, Orton etc all working, and that's at least another two storylines ongoing you'd imagine. But in the absence of those, what's wrong with having some storylines with some of the lower card to put a bit of variety in the show? You don't need to drop feuds like Reigns/Seamus, just don't feature them all the time. Make some new tag teams, make a stable of diddies. f**k it, have a Battle Royal or something to get twenty or so lower card wrestlers on TV. Just do something so that when you look back at RAW, you can actually point to something different happening for a change. On another note, since there's not really a general WWE thread, looks like Brock Lesnar's opponent for the next Network special is known - Alberto del Rio for the US Championship. That's...bold.
  2. The Witcher 3 came at a bad time for Bethesda. Don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying Fallout 4, but W3 came at a time in development for F4 that they were probably pretty locked down. Pretty much everything that the two games both offer, ProjektRed did it better. The story and the writing are absolutely miles ahead, and I think it looks a lot better too. Of course, it's harder to make a post-apocalyptic world look as nice as a sunrise over a lake, but still, it just looks generally better. I think Bethesda have gone downhill with this one. It's not a bad game, but they have dumbed it down a little. I think I got more into Skyrim, and I was playing the final missions of the Witcher just hoping that it wouldn't end soon, I was enjoying it so much. With Fallout, I kind of feel like I just want to play it enough to see everything, complete it, then move on.
  3. He seems to be someone who believes he's better than he actually is. Not that he's a bad player, just not as good as he wants to be. I agree with those saying he just doesn't fit the system, and I don't think he works hard enough, or fast enough to be really useful. I'd be happy to keep him if he was happy being a bit-part player. But if he's bitching about not playing, I wouldn't be averse to seeing him go out the door.
  4. Concrete in the wood section...cheers Bethesda
  5. I went into the Fish Packing plant just as I was planning to turn the game off last night. Top level is fine, but once you get to the lower level the synths get let out. I used so many stimpaks, and sooo much ammo to fight my way out of the compound. I tried walling off Sanctuary, but it looks so bad. Then spotted so many places where you could just walk straight through. Wanted to finish it off, but looking at some other places I've visited, feel like I'd rather build there.
  6. I encountered Swan over the weekend. I thought I remembered people on here saying they just waited at the entrance to the park and mined it, making the fight easy. "That's the game" I thought, set a few mines, and retreated to a safe distance to get his attention. Charges through, hits the mines...and keeps going, with just a smidgen of health gone. He took down Strong and then me in fairly short order.
  7. They've got the ghouls absolutely spot on in this version. On their own, they're not particularly strong, but if you get a bunch of them attacking you, with a bunch more waiting to charge you, then it can make for some pretty tense moments. Luckily I've not been caught in a corner yet - the only times I've been seriously over-run I've just backed away, shooting and screaming into the night. I'm sure the first time it happened I ended up miles away from where I started when they were all gone.
  8. I'm just on normal, and finding it the right kind of challenging. Going into certain areas, getting seven shades kicked out of me, but when I return and think about it a bit, I can get past them with some careful play. Will need to see how it changes as I level up, but happy enough with normal at the moment.
  9. Alright, I take most of the above back. It's well and truly got its claws into me now. Not really getting into the settlement crafting stuff as much though, although that's possibly because I'm working at Sanctuary and the place is oddly shaped. Wanted to wall in the place but failing badly. Finding the difficulty absolutely spot-on on normal at the moment - got good enough weapons and armour (yet to properly use the power armour) to take out the gangs of raiders and most enemies, but still need to just run and hide from some. I got into the outskirts of the city (I think) for the first time yesterday. All is quiet, and then hear shooting. Turn around to find four or five super mutants giving chase, one of them the suicide variety. Ffffuuuuuu...
  10. I spent a good couple of hours on it last night, and went from being a bit "meh" about it to getting further into it. Saying meh is a bit harsh, as I am enjoying it, not sure if I just expected more. But by the time I switched it off, it was slowly sucking me in. I've got to the point where the Minutemen at Sanctuary ask you to help another settlement, and found a few places along the way. The quarry place where I took on a side quest (and then got jumped by the soft-shell crabs...) and the USAF station where I fought my way through a gang of raiders. Switched it off when I got cornered by what seemed like an army of ghouls. Christ they're quick...
  11. I'm just picking up absolutely everything at the moment. Always feels so liberating in the first few hours of a game like that when you can do that with no punishment. Can't wait for the first moment where you become overencumbered and start having to drop or use things...
  12. Get it bought! 20 quid is a steal for this. Give it a good few weeks (or months, let's face it) then pick up Fallout when it's a little cheaper. Win win. Plus I've got a lot of faith in the developers to keep working on it and fix up any problems. Just hope the final DLC doesn't arrive in the next few months, otherwise I'll need to add that to the growing list of games to play
  13. I played a couple of hours last night, and yet to be fully drawn in. Could be that I'm expecting too much from it, but I fully expect it to get better as I go. I didn't really settle on the Witcher to start with, and it's probably been my favourite ever game. Switched it off after the Deathclaw killed me for the first time. The atmosphere so far is spot on, and putting the intro with the "flashback" to the before times made the impact of leaving the vault all the bigger. Once I get the chance to get a proper few straight hours on it, I should get into it a bit more.
  14. I'll spoiler my comments on the reviews. Nothing inherently spoiler-y in there, but if you don't want to even read reviews, then best to be safe
  15. That's shocking behaviour, but in the end, makes business sense. They'll probably make a killing on that for a one-day only offer. Makes you wonder why anyone would buy on the high street these days - £39 on shopto and it'll arrive today, or £65 in CEX for the same.
  16. A pox on all of you who are currently enjoying this arriving. I'm pretty sure mine's arrived, but I'm at work, and on support tonight, meaning I probably won't get to play until tomorrow night at the earliest. Shite.
  17. Yeah, I'd forgotten just how amazing it looked. Could be because I've spent most of the past month on Metal Gear Solid which did look good, but was mostly just sand and jungle. The DLC "make-a-character" option dumps you near a wee town. Walked into it, all the little huts up on stilts and a dock leading out onto a lake with a few fishing boats slowly making their way across, sun setting in the background. Fallout 4 has got some way to go to have me enjoy it more than I did this tbh.
  18. Due to Fallout not arriving, I finally got around to playing the Hearts of Stone DLC. Very impressed so far. Forgot how amazing the game looked, and the work ProjektRed have put in to making this probably the best open world game there has ever been. You can kick off the DLC by either inserting into an existing save (but they recommend you're level 32 at least) into a new game, or into a specially created character that has reached level 32 and has completed all the story missions. That last option is a wonderful touch that I haven't seen used in other games like this, and it's great for someone coming back into the game. All the side missions are untouched, so the ones you haven't really got to or remember well are still available. All the Witcher Contracts too. The DLC content itself is really, really hard though. I went into the first quest for it and got the shit kicked out of me in the first area by drowners. Forced me to load a previous save to get back outside and try other quests to build up my character. I'll need to give it more time, which'll be hard when Fallout arrives, but highly recommend it to anyone, whether you've played or not.
  19. Not sure shopto have dispatched, but money has been taken. Doubt it'll arrive tomorrow now, but should be in on Monday. EDIT: It's got a photo of it in its envelope now, so maybe it will be here tomorrow after all. Ooft.
  20. Wondering how shopto will deal with this. MGS5 arrived fresh Saturday morning for the Tuesday release from them, but WWE 2K16 arrived on launch day. That was a Friday release though, not sure if that matters. Guess they'd much rather send things out earlier for a Tuesday release given that there's a non-post day in the middle. If it comes on Saturday...ooft.
  21. Apart from it being set in the same universe as the show, it has no links to it as far as I could tell. Definitely worth getting.
  22. Yet to listen to that this week, will give it a go. It's no surprise really, like you say. When they announced it, the immediate thought was "if they manage it". They still might of course, but they're being extremely ambitious.
  23. Can't see any huge names coming in for that, but who can you realistically see joining from a storyline perspective? Guess it's good that they don't always think about storyline, eh? They'll probably put Big Show in there, treat him like some kind of huge threat. Then just another random one thrown in for one PPV that makes little sense. Probably Dolph or Cesaro. Wyatts have to win. No question about that. If they lose another high profile match, then what's the point? They've already lost far too much to be considered this huge threat.
  24. Yeah, kind of agree. Think it was all but confirmed that there will be a sequel by one of the voice actors, but it's hard to see where they would go with it. The ending was a bit open, but it's hard to see how they could use it to stretch out another game. One of those nice endings that left questions, rather than tieing everything up. I guess they could - if they wanted to be totally unoriginal - go for a sort of Walking Dead style plot where they make it to a town that is largely unaffected by it all. Another game where they battle through waves of enemies would just be retreading for the sake of profit, they'd have to do something different.
  25. I'd be surprised. Last time I heard about it it seemed to be in a pretty early state, so to be released so soon is a stretch. But would be good if it was. It does look like a fantastic prospect if they can get it right. I can't help but feel that it's one of those that has shot too far and promised too much, and it'll all just be a bit meh. Happy to be proved wrong though.
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