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Everything posted by forameus

  1. The shame about anything West of Blackwater is that it all seems so rushed and incomplete. Looks fine, but it's fairly empty outside of a few towns. Can only assume they planned on doing a bit more and it got cut for time. Really rendered it a bit pointless that you fight through the whole game then get this whole new area opened up, but it's empty.
  2. forameus

    FIFA 22

    Suppose it depends on your definition of casual, but I'd disagree with this. I think, by design, it's never been less friendly to those that don't want to spend as much time. Used to be you could play one mode and use that to unlock pretty much everything - rewards, objectives, general play - but now you're almost definitely going to have to get involved in 2 or 3 if you want the same. But as always, if you're enjoying it, it doesn't matter what moany c***s like me think, I'm glad you are.
  3. Has it been confirmed anywhere that it's a case of WWE letting him go, or something more mutual, or even the likes of Regal wanting to go? None of it looks good from WWE's perspective really, whatever happened. Either they let someone like that go, or they didn't do enough to keep them. A lot of their releases seem to be a bit mean-spirited at worst, but this is a genuinely baffling one. There's so many roles you could put someone like him into and he'd excel. Can only assume that if it was a WWE decision, he's on a fairly decent sum and they're desperately asset stripping.
  4. To be fair, the spot wasn't a particularly mad one compared to some. Probably the same bump he'd take 99 times out of 100 and end up fine. Fucking nasty one though.
  5. The way they're still keeping Roman in the conversation suggests one of two things. Reigns either costs Brock the title and they have their match at WM, or we go for either a unification or "for-all-the-gold" match. Ultimately doesn't matter though, because the way WWE builds WM, the main event is always going to be a bit shit as everyone's fucking knackered.
  6. Big E really is someone that can do absolutely everything, and how many of those do they have? Their traditional faces of the company are all strong, but I don't think they can do every facet as well as he can. Reigns is good in the ring, clearly a good heel, can be an OK face, but not convinced he's got the comedic chops that E has. Cena is similar to Reigns, but something just seems...off about him. Not as naturally funny and something otherworldly about him. Lesnar can be underrated as a comedic character, but still not there. E can be genuinely funny, whilst still being able to get serious when needed. A deadly serious monster heel role wouldn't be beyond him, and there's so many stories you could still tell with him. Only downside he appears to have, much like a lot of the roster, they're not Reigns or Lesnar.
  7. Just can't help themselves, can they? Guess you don't really know if it's a bad decision until it plays out, but chucking Brock into the match and then giving him the belt - and pinning the champ - seems like a pretty rubbish choice. Take a story you've been building for months and render it useless, throw another member of the New Day under the bus, and the champ is part time again. Wonder if they just shat it with Reigns and don't want him to drop or Brock to lose. Only thing that could save that now is if they know they've got Rock coming back, but there's surely no chance of that.
  8. forameus

    FIFA 22

    It's weird with this stuff. They seem absolutely intent on not going all-in on the cosmetics microtransactions stuff, instead giving it all away to everyone as part of progress. With a bit of imagination and effort (which they admittedly seem allergic to) they could probably make a killing on cosmetics and redesign rewards so that they actually seem rewarding (emphasis on the seem, it's still EA after all). Suspect the reality is that they're using this stuff to test the waters. The time may come where they might have to move towards cosmetics, so at least this tells them what's popular. But you're right, it is absolute shite. Never had any interest beyond kits.
  9. I changed from using secondary divisions to just using cups with group stages. Pretty much the same thing I was trying to do, but seems to work a bit better. Just need to sort out the main leagues then it should be good.
  10. Bugs wise, yeah I think that was pretty smooth. But they did get all the piss babies having aneurisms at the plot.
  11. forameus

    FIFA 22

    After swearing I wouldn't get 22, I saw it on a decent discount and had vouchers sitting around so thought I'd take the plunge to have something to muck about with. And...well, f**k me, it's in some state. Booting into FUT and it's just a mess of things demanding attention, but very little real "content", just "stuff". It's like Far Cry and the like, just filling maps with busy work and repetitive tasks to make sure that as many people as possible will never open another game again for fear of being left behind. Don't want to do that? That's cool, here's a million different ways to funnel you towards the store and packs. I know that's not news to anyone, and maybe it's just me not having loaded up a FIFA game in almost a year, but it's just so cynical and blatant now. Anyway, I've churned through a few of the advanced SBCs and the like, because as everyone swears, when you're a new account you're always going to get preferential treatment. Of course, utter bullshit, I'm getting f**k all. Played a few Squad Battles games with my shite squad and they were alright I suppose, but suffer from the same problem SB has always had - it's so, so tedious. Largely uninteresting AI playing in largely the same way in every single game. Then one game of Rivals where I got treated to the usual shithousery. I just have no desire in doing much more that actually involves playing games, and with the way my club is, if I want to compete I really have no option but to spend real money. It's an absolute farce.
  12. This for me too. I'm probably being a contrarian dick, but finding the hype around him from most a bit grating (which is a shame, as from what I've seen, he's had a very strong start). I watched the video with zero context, and the driver looked pretty snug, so assumed it was about him getting fucked up off it. To see him completely no-selling it is a really poor decision and takes you right out of something AEW have been doing quite well. If WWE pulled something like that, they'd (rightly) be getting the piss taken out of them.
  13. With inspiration from @AsimButtHitsASix I decided to reembark on my own state champs equivalent, but extend it out to all of Britain and have a Boris Johnson approved full British League (what better way to bring them down than from inside, eh?). Painstaking, boring work over a long time to get everyone where they're supposed to be, 96 (at last count) fucking separate competitions running August-December before the leagues start in January, and...it doesn't fucking work. The first 6 or so in the list run fine (minor English ones) and the rest are completely missing. There's national cups happening in the first half of the year which go fine, then the wider leagues look ok, but outside of that...shrug. Seeing if I've done something stupid, but seems like there might be a limit. Which is a shame, because I was desperate to find out who was going to win the Western Highland Regional Championship.
  14. I know people who have worked further down Garscube Road, but apparently they're putting down double yellows. I usually park on Panmure Gate on street, just the other side of the canal from the stadium and I've never struggled to get a spot. But if you take mine you're getting chibbed xx
  15. Imagining Jeff walking out of Titan Towers like Kaiser Soze, acting pished then gradually improving and jumping into the car with Matt.
  16. Absolutely. The editor in general can be a fucking tedious affair if you're trying to do large scale edits. Given the standing SI policy seems to be that they don't have much interest in adding new leagues, I'd like them to really work on the editor to make it a lot more intuitive to use. Loads of people will have the imagination to make some really cool stuff, but lack the patience or knowledge to work their way around the incredibly convoluted settings that are there. At least without it crashing a couple of years down the line. The people that do know what they're doing with it over on the official forums are almost entirely complete bellends too.
  17. I did something similar like this, although not sure I ever got it to the levels of properly working like this one. I had it a lot closer to Brazil, where the first half of the season was a proper State Championship affair, drawn across local authority lines. Then the second half of the season everyone joined back up for a proper unrestricted league like we have now. Think you can do it by running the league as the "normal" division with set dates, then set a fixed "other division" for each club. But it was, from memory, an incredibly tedious task to move every club to where it should have been. May revive it though, it's a fun different format to have.
  18. Yeah, absolutely. It's CAF's doing, just always seems the most cut-throat and unfair. Agree they should have more. Maybe the intercontinental playoff part should be expanded slightly to more than just the four teams and make it more than just "will New Zealand make it this time?". But if it's automatic spots, one each from Asia and North America would probably be the fairest.
  19. Africa seems to have one of the harshest qualifying formats too. The second of three rounds sees all the big nations come in, and you get four team groups in which only one goes through. Almost guaranteed that one "big" nation drops out there. Then the final round is a straight two-leg playoff where only the winners go. Seems incredibly harsh compared to other feds. In Europe the pot 1 teams are almost guaranteed to go through, South America you have to really go some to drop out of that top 4, North America and Asia similar.
  20. It's by no means certain it'll be there. Wales are playing their games at Cardiff's stadium, and I doubt they'd be up for giving us a much bigger away allocation by moving the game.
  21. Somecunt on here said they'll be staying where they are if they make the final. I'd edge towards saying that would be better for them, and definitely worse for us. Much smaller allocation.
  22. I wonder if they'll stick to Cardiff City Stadium or take the bigger scene...would they prefer a smaller guaranteed crowd with a smaller away support or chase the money?
  23. And given there's f**k all chance of me getting a ticket, at least there's zero chance now of being around Welsh fans if we make it to the final and lose to them. I don't think I could bear that.
  24. Remember sitting in work for the Euros playoff draw, feeling absolutely gutted we got a potential away draw in the final. That turned out not bad, didn't it? f**k it, we can win in Cardiff and we've already won in Vienna. Let's get past Ukraine then we're 90 minutes from the World Cup.
  25. Not convinced there's a particularly easy draw in the list, and there's probably a harder one. We can beat Ukraine at home, and we can beat Wales in a final. We're already unbeaten against Austria.
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