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Everything posted by forameus

  1. It's veeeeery sexually aggressive too. It's like they came in one day and someone had drawn a naughty billboard, and they thought it was so great that they decided they'd make every single one the same just to show how edgy they were. I know it kind of fits in with the theme, and I hate to come over all Mary Whitehouse, but did it have to be blatant?
  2. You'd like to think that guy's at it, but I bet there are people out there who actually feel that way. Jesus Christ. Honestly, it's sitting at a solid 6 out of 10. Can't really disagree with anything GiGi said, to be honest. I think the World feels alive enough that the fact you can't really do much under the surface doesn't affect much, but the combat is...well, it's utter guff isn't it? I haven't seen a game so blatantly bullet spongey since the Division. I'm on a mission where you meet a guy in a small office, and then have a gunfight with him. I spent a good few minutes circling round a desk, emptying clip after clip into his face, and nothing. Driving isn't particularly interesting. The writing is about as subtle as the gunplay at times. Still, it's a good solid game that will likely improve. Definitely doesn't have the charm the Witcher had though. You can really tell they didn't have books and books worth of lore to lean on.
  3. Also saw someone suggest that maybe they're dropping him back to benefit anyone else and make use of him helping others at the Performance Centre, rather than training himself. Who knows though. I really, really doubt that even Vince is tone deaf enough to think he needs sent back to improve considering the rest of the roster.
  4. I'm not sure I'd trust anyone with "spoilers" this far away even in a normal year, let alone one where they'll surely be absolutely desperate to have fans back but still might not. Of those three, only one seems like it'll happen and that's Edge Orton. They had two matches and likely would've had a third if Edge's arm hadn't fallen off. I expect they'd want a 3rd, particularly at WM, but if it's not in front of a crowd? Don't see the point. And that's going to be the problem with a lot of matches they'd like to put on. Think they could go a few ways with the big matches. Once the Royal Rumble is out of the way it should look a bit clearer. Big E seems to have been completely cooled off, and now talk of Daniel Bryan finally winning it to go up against Reigns. Lesnar potentially coming back opens up two stories too - either going back up against McIntyre in a rematch, or the Paul Heyman on a Pole match with Reigns. The latter would be something I'd love to see in front of a hot crowd with Reigns' new character. Their WM31 match is underrated, and I think they'd go out and kick seven shades of shit out of each other. Get Goldberg to f**k though. Seriously. It would be such a waste of the Reigns character to have him either win or lose to Goldberg. He'd gain f**k all by winning, and losing would render the only good thing WWE have done in a while completely pointless. So all in all, sounds exactly what they'd like to do.
  5. Nah, this one seems more like a poor design decision. I seem to remember way, way back that Witcher 3 had a very similar inventory, and people complained so much that they completely streamlined it in a major update later. But there's plenty of other stuff they've likely not got around to fixing! Must be a fucking horrendous place to work right now. I've been in that position of trying desperately to fix something and not break anything else while under pressure, and I wasn't getting death threats from wee VLs on twitter during it.
  6. To be fair, I think the first inventory system the Witcher had was utter guff and quite similar to this. Wonder if they went back to that thinking they were right again. It is incredibly complex, and I'm struggling to find where everything is.
  7. This really does seem in parts like a reskin of The Witcher in mechanics. Not saying that's a bad thing, I loved that game, but just weird seeing stuff like the boxing fights basically being lifted (fight these guys, then when you win, fight the big guy) and the inventory being unchanged. Guess if you don't like W3, you're a bit fucked. The World though...I'm sure they said it would be a lot bigger vertically, so if I can access a lot of these high rise buildings, it looks absolutely amazing after just an hour or so.
  8. I never really go on Kickstarter, so this may be the norm, but that is a very polished pitch they have. Every scoffing question I had got answered well in the next part ("bet it'll look shite...oh, actually, that looks not bad"/"they all look like wee VLs, where's the actual VLs that aren't parkour guys and who'll build the...oh, there they are"/"aye but how...oh, ok"). They certainly talk a good game, could be a really interesting game if they get the mechanics right. Not sure what they could do to really stand out just for being a parkour game though.
  9. On that note, I realised I had Carmageddon on Steam, and I remember that being treated like it was a snuff film back in the day. Young me thought it was the dogs bollocks with its swearing and violence, but f**k me is it tame now.
  10. I'm on the 5, although by the way the game seems to be talked about, I don't think there's a huge difference between current and next gen. Maybe a bit of extra polish. They're releasing a proper next gen one next year apparently.
  11. Well, I never thought I'd play a game where I got to choose my character's chopper... Played an hour or so, and not noticing too many issues. A bit of texture pop-in at times, some floating objects, and one weird one where coming out of a cutscene, my guy starts running in a random direction. Other than that, OK so far. Outside of that, game looks pretty good so far, and has that familiar CDPR feel. You can tell they've designed it similar to how they did Witcher 3 in terms of cutscenes and mechanics. Haven't really got fully into combat or anything yet, but feels alright so far, if not quite as good as other FPS might be.
  12. The download I had yesterday for preload on PS5 was 106Gb if I remember right. No idea how much was the base, update, extras etc
  13. Less said about the absolute VLs that care this much about a fucking game the better. I bet that moon-howler Rammagamma is one of them... Looks like the reviews are mostly along the same lines. Design-wise, the game looks to be great. World's amazing, really immersive, lacking a bit in combat, but otherwise good. But above all, unfinished. Apparently an update has already gone out that makes it a "different game" (according to CDPR). In other news, I've caved...I know it's going to have issues, but as a developer myself, I'm not going to get bent out of shape about them, and hope that it's just minor things. I enjoyed Witcher 3 so much that I feel like the devs deserve a bit of benefit of the doubt. plus I've got some days off starting on the 10th, and running out of new stuff to play. I'll update you on all when it won't even run on Thursday.
  14. Looks like we all might be finding out sooner rather than later, street date seems to have broken in the US by over a week. CDPR pleading with people not to upload things and spoil it for everyone, but I expect if it's a complete mess, it'll get out.
  15. I had the spring one! Nice wee bit of engineering, looking back.
  16. Isn't that how they found Declan Gallagher?
  17. I think Greece seem worse than they are because of their famous Euros win. They were doing fine up to the autumn of 2014 when Claudio Ranieri single-handedly tried to destroy them (prior to going to Leicester). He got punted after they lost to the Faroes, and then they went on a bit of a tailspin for a couple of years. They won just the one game in Euro 2016 qualifying and finished bottom of their group, but had a great run for 2018, only losing once (to Belgium). Pumped in the playoff by eventual finalists Croatia. Bit of a poorer run for 2020. So all in all, I had them down too as a team having a particularly shite time, but looking at the results...actually not that bad. Since 2014 we've run a quite similar path. Mixing between being utter shite and just missing out. EDIT: Granted, saying "since 2014" is heavily favouring us in terms of the comparison, but seedings don't go back that far, so it's probably about right we're well matched.
  18. I'm sure North Korea tried that for the World Cup, didn't they? They were aware of the rule for 3 keepers, so they took along 2 and had their third as an outfield player. FIFA cottoned on and got them telt, so he was only allowed to participate as a keeper. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2010/jun/03/north-korea-world-cup-goalkeeper-gamble
  19. Has it been delayed again? I adore Witcher 3, so I always assumed I'd be a day 1 purchaser of this, but...I just have a bad feeling about it. I expect I'll still get it, but I'll wait to see reviews first, as I worry this is going to be a No Man's Sky level of release in terms of people losing their absolute shit. Point on the wider community is spot-on though. It's taken a long time for gaming to lose the sort of stigma that used to surround it, and I'd say it's probably moved far more into the mainstream than it ever has done before. But these absolute VLs threaten to pull it back. My Da thinks games are ridiculous, and he watches a good few of the soaps still on TV. Obviously I think he's wrong, but I suspect no-ones ever tried to phone up Alf Stewart and threatened death on them because an episode of Home and Away wasn't quite what they wanted. People need to get a grip. EDIT: One thing on if it does end up being an NMS style "failure", CDPR put a lot of work into the Witcher early on completely overhauling glaring problems. Seem to remember they completely changed the inventory system fairly late on because people didn't like it. So even if it is a complete turd, I expect a few months in the picture might look a bit better.
  20. forameus

    FIFA 21

    I had 600k of coins and a few high-rated cards in the club, so decided that despite knowing it's an utter scam, I'd fire it into the Base Icon Pack. Got Cantona, which looks to be the 10th best card I could have gotten, based purely on market value. 2m if he was tradeable, so maybe EA fancy getting me back for a few games.
  21. If they do, it hasn't helped me. I just think it's the way of online shooters now. Unless you've got the sort of tactical ones where you can carve out a niche, then it's probably always going to be like that. You'll get put up against people who spend hours and hours and hours and hours and hours on the game, and are genuinely good at it, when I'm just a jobber wanting to kill half an hour. I found Warzone enjoyable as the larger map meant you could often get a fair way into rounds before getting popped, and there's still a degree of luck. But I get where you're coming from.
  22. forameus


    I think he's asking about kit packs where you don't have to download individual league ones. They've got that for badges and faces, but not for kits, which is a bit annoying. Design of how they're presented (I think just as forum threads) is a bit shit as well.
  23. forameus

    FIFA 21

    It's interesting in a sort of morbid way to watch EA treat the game like a big experiment to see what people will take. Those requirements look far, far too high, not to mention the non-repeatable, and the short time limit. I wonder if there will ever be a time they release something, and there's a backlash from EVERYONE. With this one, you've got people on Reddit looking at some streamer opening packs, and proclaiming it worth it because he didn't get too many shit ones. EA must be pissing themselves while they think up what they can do next.
  24. forameus


    For the first time ever I fired up an EVERYTHING save, chucking every league and nation in to see what happened. On the beta it was looking like just over a minute to process a day, so slow as shit, but on day 1 of the save there's an awfy lot of variety. My completely inexperienced manager has the choice of going to Uruguay, Iceland, Romania, Denmark, Israel or India. Quite fancy a wee shot at Tiddim Road FC in India, to be honest. Although apparently their nickname is "The Green Bridge" and their rivals have "The Orange Brigade". f**k sake guys.
  25. What exactly does the job actually entail day-to-day? Genuine question, not like the candidate will be off down the training pitch each day I'd imagine. Maybe actually take a chance and buck the trend of the sport and actually look at what the role entails, and hire the person that best meets that? You know, rather than just opening a Panini sticker book and picking the first Scottish guy they've heard of.
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