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Everything posted by forameus

  1. forameus

    FIFA 21

    Don't remotely enjoy the direction EA are clearly pushing the game, but might be a blessing in disguise. Past few weeks I've played my 30 RIvals games to push for top tier rewards, and in Division 3/4 that's quite a haul (which I get f**k all from but anyway), but this week after spending so long on that RTTF objective for a player I'll likely not use, I just can't be arsed grinding through that many games. I think I might end up putting startlingly less time into the game as I did last year. If I do manage to get a PS5, might punt it long-term.
  2. John Lewis and Currys are reporting they'll have stock on release day of PS5s. I'm skeptical, but hopeful.
  3. forameus

    FIFA 21

    Irony being that him being a pussy got you banned. I do wonder how the process works. If someone reports, do the transcripts actually get read by someone human who decides or is it auto-done? I imagine it's the latter, which seems to be wide-open to abuse. Ha! Just checked my messages app to see what I actually said, and that specific message got deleted. Conversation went like this "Need this last win" *play about 30 mins, go 2-0 up, he quits* "Good for you. You still do." (bit of a dick move, but if you're not even capable of asking nicely... "hahahaha dont cry doesnt count on record" "Something tells me that actually matters to you. Like you say, don't cry" "hahahaha with that team I bet you still finished below gold 1" "hahahaha trash" I then replied something along the lines of not playing weekend league, because I'm not good enough. And if I'm not good enough, I'd be quite embarassed to not only lose to that, but to "quit like a little bitch" (I suspect that's what got me). Then hinted that he's probably embarrassed by himself a lot. I quite fancied a counter-report, but on writing it out, it just seems a bit pathetic. Still, expect he'll be that same little bitch to someone else, then probably report them too.
  4. Which isn't really the point. Would Scotland be improved if you swapped in either of those players? No. Which is kind of why he's there as, no matter how average he might be, he's amongst the best forward options we have available.
  5. forameus

    FIFA 21

    Starting to agree now. I never wanted to go down that route, as sometimes people having an absolute breakdown is funny. But if we're getting to the point where I'm getting a warning for "abuse" just by responding, what's the fucking point?
  6. forameus

    FIFA 21

    Woke up to a warning mail from PSN about my behaviour, as clearly the pathetic wee c**t from a couple of days ago took offense to me suggesting that it was embarrassing to be losing to someone you've just said was shite. Seems to just be a warning, and if I thought there was any chance he wouldn't just report again, I'd have another shot. World's gone to the fucking dogs.
  7. forameus

    FIFA 21

    Get on the fuckin' train, yass! With the best will in the world, that's what you get unfortunately. For everyone posting on reddit about they sucked each other off after being JUST SO WHOLESOME helping each other with objectives, there's multiple people complaining that this complete stranger didn't do what they said they'd do. People will literally do anything to f**k anyone over. If anyone asks nicely, I'll decline as nicely as I can if I reply at all. I want to play the game to actually complete objectives and achieve them. Plus, come on man, just look at the guy's face...looks like someone you'd leave the country to avoid.
  8. On Fraser, even though he's supposedly got that injury, has he officially pulled out yet?
  9. forameus

    FIFA 21

    Decided I'd bite the bullet and move away from Rivals to try and complete that RTTF card. I knew what was coming, and yet it's still fucking brutal. I've played 3 games so far, all 3 have people pausing at minute 1 to bring in all their loan icons safe in the knowledge they won't get wasted. 2nd guy did the usual pause not just to sub players, but also to message me. So how polite is he going to be? Is this going to be the making up excuses guy, or just the plain "you let me cheat, I'll let you cheat". Nah, all I got was "I need this last win". f**k off. Went 1-0 up, he went down to 10, was about to go down to 9 when he quit. Immediately after the abuse started, with him tearfully telling me to "stop crying" and that "I bet you can't even reach Gold 1" (remember, he lost).
  10. If they got the Rock in and had Reigns go over, they could really do great out of it. But Rock winning...aye, no thanks. Big E would be incredible, one of those really amazing WM stories that you could be talking about years later. If they don't f**k it up. lol.
  11. Go back to that night where they essentially sent him out to get a verbal kicking from John Cena, and compare it to now. Really pleased for him actually, he never deserved the hate he got, especially when it's directed more at what he's being told to do rather than doing himself. I hope he gets a really, really big build towards WM like Bryan did as a heel. If he's built to put someone over, that guy is going to be made.
  12. I'll be happier to see Oli Burke and Leigh Griffiths now certainly.
  13. Very surprising but very welcome news. Bit of a shiter that you can't watch online, but guess the freeview box finally has a use at last.
  14. I'd far rather have Griffiths on the bench to bring on should we need him, rather than blowing out his arse after the first half when we really need something different.
  15. You'll likely have more chance of being sooked off by everyone at Sony themselves rather than get a PS5 this year. I heard someone say they're expecting a second batch in December, but that is likely your best bet. I thought XBox was more available, but maybe they've finally run out too. I might end up getting one next week after all - work friend of mine ended up with two in the confusion and plans on getting rid of the 2nd for cost. He half-promised it to me, and then half to a neighbour, so need to work out the best way of saying "don't give a single f**k about the neighbour and the kids, gie it to me"
  16. forameus

    FIFA 21

    I'll try and push towards getting him. Had to wait until the Icon Swaps time to get him last time, which was far too late.
  17. forameus

    FIFA 21

    It'll undoubtedly make the game worse, but people will be falling over themselves to hand EA the money for it. This. I really don't see the point of WL if you're playing purely for rewards (which, let's face it, is most people). You're playing on a really aggressive schedule, against people who will do everything they can to be a dick, and unless you're really, really good, you're playing for a few picks and a pick from the TOTW that seems increasingly pointless. I'll probably play a fair few when TOTS comes around, but before that? It just doesn't seem worth it to me, particularly when I can chuck my 30 games into Rivals and get way better packs than I'd manage had I played those 30 in WL.
  18. forameus

    FIFA 21

    I wouldn't be so sure of that. At the moment EA have a license to print money essentially, doling out f**k all and reeling in millions upon millions. If they're told they can't do that, they're not just going to hold their hands up and disappear off into the night. If they do, that's not particularly good for the game either, as I could see them just shrugging and mothballing it. Putting about as much effort into it as they do now, but knowing that there isn't really a profit to be made. What I think is far more likely is that they'll find something else that'll make them their money. For me, I think they'll just start plain offering out players for set amounts of money. Essentially DLC. Hard to argue that's illegal, people will flock to it, and it will undoubtedly make the game even fucking worse than it is now. I get the problem with FIFA Points, and I know EA - like so many other companies like them - have no real interest in safeguarding anything other than their bottom line. But I don't see this rosy world coming if they're widely banned. Ijust see it getting worse.
  19. forameus

    FIFA 21

    Also good to see that EA continue to provide sterling service and quality control by releasing the Libertadores/Sudamericana SBCs...for about 10 minutes. Ultimate group reward was wrong, and in that 10 minutes of course plenty did them, so it'll be fucking ages before they're back up once they pick through that mess. I'm usually fairly defensive of development teams on issues, because I work in one myself, and I know it's usually way, way harder than people give credit for. But I also know that if someone in my team was making as many public mistakes as EA have made even just in the life of 21, there would at least need to be something done about it. Really poor.
  20. forameus

    FIFA 21

    I'm fundamentally opposed to him, because I'm a big boring counter-culture VL. But seriously, I've ever seen the appeal. Seems like just a banter player that people take way too far. OMG ICON AKINFENWA HAHAHAHA HE'S BETTER THAN RONALDO HAHAHAHA 56567457 STRENGTH HAHAHAHA and we all roll around laughing until we all just give up. Although to be honest, I've skipped most of the silver stuff. I'm getting more than enough playing FIFA just trying to get through 30 Rivals games a week, don't really want to then start going after objectives with a completely different team, knowing it's going to be fucking painful. I'll save that pain for Icon Swaps.
  21. Mitrovic I'm not so worried about, certainly not as much as big SMS. If he was to be out for any reason, I'd be a lot more confident. But any starter being out is good for us.
  22. I'm about 2 minutes in, and this is already fucking brutal. There's something about this in front of mostly silence that's just visceral. EDIT: f**k me that was brutal. I've not seen a match look so "real"...well, ever I don't think. I wouldn't have been surprised at the end if they lifted Dragunov off the mat and his fucking head came off. Mental fucker.
  23. Can you have your mental breakdown somewhere a bit less public?
  24. forameus

    FIFA 21

    You could be right to be fair, hadn't considered that. Hopefully you're right too. I just have no faith in EA doing something that isn't benefiting them, and I could DEFINITELY see them being interested in removing the big grindable time sink that was league SBCs.
  25. forameus

    FIFA 21

    Content wise, for me the game is getting worse. People seem to be pissing themselves with glee over the silver objectives, and although that's something new, the house always wins. SBCs have been getting worse, or at least less imaginative. Requirements growing while rewards shrink. And with that French league player being offered in objectives, I think they might be doing what seemed unthinkable - getting rid of league SBCs. I quite like the gameplay this year, and feel I'm actually pretty good at it, but EA seem to be doing everything in their power to eliminate the extra parts that make it fun, replacing them with ones that suit them. Their perogative of course, but doesn't make it any less shite. I'm usually more on the side of EA when people like to pull out all the big excuses for losing. I don't think scripting exists, I don't think "momentum" is as big a thing as people claim it is, and I think "delay" is often just the canned animations being shite. Most of the problems in the game aren't malicious and just because EA aren't very good at coding or using the engine. And can't help but feeling like the complaints about those things often hide the actual problematic stuff they're doing. If they remove League SBCs, it'll be one of the worst things they've done.
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