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Status Updates posted by bigtatties

  1. Bertie, was at the game today versus Medda. Spoke to some of their fans.... Cocky b*****ds....they reckon they will win the league and the Scottish........they want you in the final... in my opinion.. Talbot are miles better then Medda.....but tell your boys what they think!!!!!! stuff them. mate

  2. Just saw the Arthurlie result Bro. Your boys must have had one eye on the big cup tie. Anything for Peasy to worry about versus Arthurlie?

  3. Just saw the Arthurlie result, Bro. I guess you were taking it easy before the Hearts game? Anything to worry about re Arthurlie?

  4. Is that your new ground taking shape near to Waterside? If so, its in cracking nick - considering the weather.

  5. btw - we played Larky in a 'Friendly' last night...tell yer boys tae wear 2 pair o' shinnies......we ended up wi 9 men and wan in hospital A& E!!!!! Gangly left back is def a weak link and they cannae defend free kicks.

  6. Hows things, Bertie? Couldnae get to our game v Bot as I was in Bruges quaffing lotsa beer.....btw... the posts about us spanking Pollok aint exaggerated... it was 2 going on 6.....Jist hope we can stuff the M£dda.......

  7. Mod threatening to ban me Bro....see the thread 'Whats makes the Talbot so great.....'

  8. If the park n ride is for any reason full...ther will be room at the nearby retail park

  9. Great result today EEKA = Hope you draw Sellick at Pakrhead and pump them!

  10. Well done today Bertie. Hope you draw Sellick at Parkhead and pump them!

  11. your Dads passing will be real sore for awhile, bud...grieve until you say farewell....then celebrate aw the good times and raise a glass to his memory. He wouldnt want you tae fret too long..been there..

  12. How you doin Teo?

  13. Thanks w-w. I try to keep it light....

  14. What a 2nd goal for Shotts. AW the best for the season. Todd

  15. Thanks for your congratulations eeka. Hope to meet u soon!

  16. Some result yesterday, Bertie!

  17. Aw the best in the Big Cup, Bertie! Hope you get a big team n stuff them.....Clydebank away could be tricky...noise up Budgie... he disnae like criticism lol

  18. Dugs on the Pitch....Good post, Gudderman1

  19. Rerr post Garrellburn. I take it Kilsyth Rangers are your team?

  20. A;so - I love the Talbot kit. As a Junior BB team we - wore gold and black. Same for my school team. When I ran a new BB team I picked OLDGOLD AND BLACK....so you can see why I have a soft spot for the Bot.....wish we could get tae a Scottish Cup Final.......

  21. We should have won on Saturday....Ref stuffed us....again....and our coach disnae make the right substitutions......we should have put on a defensive midfielder for a useless winger....but naw......We'll win the replay.

  22. Yo Bertie! It was my pleasure....where are you playing next week?

  23. Good shout, Sir......open up the cup to the Juniors......


  25. I played for the Peasies in the 70's too. You guys are gettin it hard just now.....pensions - conditions of service etc. Stick in. I retired 2 years ago. Got a nice wee part time job as a gofur for a property management firm in Glasgow. I even wrung sponsorship out o them. lol!

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