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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. Its not just the musicians themselves... https://www.aol.com/article/entertainment/2020/05/09/andre-harrell-music-executive-who-signed-sean-puffy-combs-dies-at-59/24249178/
  2. The worthless peon..... sad day, sad day, hey ho..... points please.
  3. The Covid epidemic has hardened me (if you excuse the turn of phrase...).
  4. Was on last years team but dropped for a riskier pick this year. My lot are going to have to seriously up their game. Edit, for clarity I had Stirling on my team last year, not the maths boy.
  5. Just a pity there's no football for you to bet on with that luck.
  6. Well done, I had my periodic swing through my list to make sure they're all still alive, bunch of b*****ds, the lot of them.
  7. He'll be giving a wee tap on the gate, wherever he ends up.
  8. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2020/04/03/kennedy-tragedy-maeve-kennedy-townsend-mckean-son-missing-boaters/2941455001/ You can't make it up, another Kennedy dies an 'iffy' death. If there's any left its an idea for next year anyway.
  9. Be hard going listening to the great and the good eulogising him. Even as a kid I couldn't believe that pair were on the TV.
  10. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/03/30/coronavirus-first-royal-death-of-covid-19-confirmed/?ncid=webmail First Royal Corona death, hopefully she'll start a fashion.
  11. Heard the same thing this morning, apparently getting announced tomorrow, or so the story goes.....
  12. If I read you right Miguel, you have no knowledge of Caroline Flack's 'body of work' but you know what Piers Morgan has been getting excited about. Got it.
  13. I've a couple on my long list, one nearly made the cut for this year, its a high risk/high reward strategy.
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