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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. There used to be a dog stay near us that was named Indiana, I have to thank The Last Crusade for that. Thought it was a good one. It was infinitely better than TOD and the fourth one. Apparently they're going to dig up Indy's corpse and go for 'Son of the return of the revenge of' Indiana Jones V.
  2. The Indiana Jones series could have been so much better too. Short Round was the Jar Jar in that franchise. He has a knack of taking a great plot.... and ruining it. I find the John Williams soundtracks a bit clumsy too, far too overt in guiding you to which emotion you should be feeling.
  3. I'll take that one step further, George Lucas is the problem. He fucked the Indiana Jones franchise up too. As a kid I loved the earlier Star Wars but as an adult looking back he tried to tick all the boxes (aiming it at kids and adults) and he ended up bolloxing it.
  4. Just tried it again on the laptop and it must be looking at IP addresses or whatever too. Will try the phone on 4G.
  5. Cheers, I'll give it a go. It says in the blurb they'll post it within 28 days.
  6. Never got how U2 got to be one of (if not THE) biggest bands in world. DId some good stuff, some ok stuff and a lot of meh stuff. Bono is a massive fud though.
  7. Nationalism in any form is scary, its just mob mentality on a grand scale.
  8. Ah, so you're not one for the moral high ground then, the other lot are bad so we can be just as bad. Gotcha. "opposite side". Nothing like polarising things, it makes it easier to generate froth about 'them', whoever the 'them' happens to be.
  9. I've run out of options so far, another day, another email account.
  10. Worked for me many thanks. The brotherhood of T is here to help.
  11. Apologies if I've made an arse of it, I've sort of lost track a bit but 31mar19L8179 has I think won me a couple glasses. Give it a go, as I've been going the 'receipt number has been going up, was up to about 8,500 so this sah-weet gift from Mr T might be running out....
  12. At the risk of being accused of black catting, I found a slab of Tennents in the PX (naafi) in a base in Georgia (USA not the other one). I thought I'd imagined it but discussed it with a mate a good few years back who confirmed it. There was only one slab and they were 330's so I guess it must have been the remains of some exotic export lager push. I was a happy and homesick boy that night.
  13. I was dubious but gave it a shot, instead of frying black pudding, give it 30-40 seconds in the microwave. Works a treat and worth having a microwave for.
  14. He was more eloquent and made his point. Bit sexist of us to assume that its a him but I'm following your lead.
  15. Fair point. I'm also sure a lot of them get into it for what they consider noble reasons but down the line it rarely seems to pan out that way. They are party members and human beings with their own agendas and drives. Its a very flawed system, not that I think there's a solution to it.
  16. No, I accused you of being naive and I suspect that's the cause of this ongoing 'whatever it is'. Your painfully simple point was easy to understand.
  17. Eh ? What ? You seem to think that politicians are immune from human drives like ambition. What 'we' want our politicians to do and what the politicians want are two different things. You'll often find that a politician gets in with less than a 50% of the vote yet are supposed to represent their constituents. They generally represent their party though.
  18. Most peoples job descriptions don't tally up with what they do, why should politicians be any different. Especially when you're discussing the more emotive job descriptions.
  19. You poor naive fool. An MP's job is to toe the party line in the hope of personal advancement. Its a career. Certainly in Scotland and the UK. That's all MP's/MSP's.
  20. Much as I have no interest in religion or religious schools, if a church or group of parents want to make a religious school then I guess that's fine, as long as they meet the required standards. What I do object to is state funded religious schools.
  21. Stay out on the lash long enough and they'll all be wids.
  22. Is it the same dogs or do you go round looking for random hard dogs and then call their pint a poof ? I bet you're the kind of guy who only square go's with Jack Russell's. People like you make me sick.
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