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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. You've got to love a supermarket that you can go in for messages and come out with your messages, an axe and a loft ladder.
  2. When I knew I was planning a trip that would take me past the 'magic hour' I used to take an insulated coffee cup or sports water bottle that was full of loud mouth soup. There was the odd time that that I wasn't discreet the guards were fine, if you're not being loud or dickish then I'm guessing it wasn't an issue. It would probably be different if it was a saturday night with a train full of pished up fannies and I wouldn't have blamed the guards about that.
  3. Wee update on this... Have fallen foul of Scotrails 9 pm drink policy. Having to charge down my last can at an almost uncomfortable pace. You're a bloody trouper mate, don't let anyone tell you any different.
  4. Plenty more to replace them. Another royal wedding coming up so no doubt a few more sprogs that we'll need to pay for, Gawd blessem.
  5. Letting the flat out while you're away ? Hope you enjoyed it mate, and the vitamin T.
  6. A count this morning suggests 11 cans of Mr T's finest wasn't enough to eradicate memories of last nights 'meh' from Scotland, even the vino didn't help. Away camping tonight so vino for space/weight but back tomorrow and on a strict diet of vitamin T.
  7. Freddie wasn't really a fan of the bush either.
  8. I'd mention it to the sister, I understand your point about not lying but if he has aggression issues with his seizures then that's your 'get out' for not going directly to him but through the sister or landlord. You can explain to the landlord how you know about his issues too. I'd also speak to the neighbours, its affecting you then its probably affecting them too. You can then tell the sister/landlord that the wbole stair (or whatever) is in the same position. The landlord has responsibilities to the neighbours. Good luck.
  9. Its going to be 3 years at least before anything gets done about these kind of things, Trump isn't exactly one to reassess and change his view.
  10. I refer to a certain area of Scotland as 'the Costa del Fife', and within that, a wee town as 'San Andreas'. Does this count or is just just 'cute'.
  11. Didn't do it often but on occasion coming off a night shift I'd go to an early morning boozer and have 1 or 2 before heading home. As you say, paper, watch the breakfast TV or whatever was on. Braw. For me, drinking on your own in the pub is something I need to be in the mood for, unless you're just killing time waiting on somebody.
  12. She wouldn't be averse to bringing a friend either. I'd go with Anne Lundon.
  13. From politicians "The truth of the matter is....." That's all of them.
  14. Currently getting my vitamins, my preferred way to spend the sabbath is a couple of hours taking the dugs out round Devilla Forest then home to watch the foozbaal and get on the outside of some of Mr T's finest. Its what Baby Jebus would have wanted. Slainte chaps.
  15. She has to go in them all once so she knows which ones she HAS to go back to, gradually narrowing it down to (usually) the first fecking shop she was in. Bitches be crazy.
  16. Sounds about right, Her Majesty has a shocking sense of direction, even in a shopping centre she can wander into a shop then a minute later walk back out and start walking back the direction she's just come from instead of towards the bloody shops she's still to look at.
  17. God knows what she was thinking, she'd crossed the bridge hundreds of times by then too.
  18. Apologies if I've posted it before (I enjoy the story) but I told my missus that Bear Grylls has a sister called Racoon and she was buying it until I ruined it by laughing. Another time she started asking me if buffaloes had wings (watching a cooking programme) but saw the look of joy of my pus so didn't finish the question. Still gets cast up from time to time, same as the time when crossing the Forth bridge from the Dalmeny side her asking "where's that road going", it was the pier.
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