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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. When I saw there was a new post on this thread my heart sank, I'd hoped it was more Yank bashing and not another mass slaying. What the feck is wrong with the place that they can't see the problem with their gun culture.
  2. Its quite impressive in 'real life', you can see it for miles from some angles too. I think the dockyard is trying to flog it now.
  3. I'd have gone with 'lez we forget', maybe says more about my online activities though.
  4. Managed to appreciate some of Mr T's finest this afternoon watching Wimbledon V Peterborough. It also inspired a bit of 2018's Deadpool research, it really is for work, rest and play.
  5. Seems a small price to pay to get rid of the wife and weans to be honest.
  6. You can't argue with one guy's logic 'who was there' but others might see it differently, that piece just seems agenda driven to me, I enjoyed it and the dad's back story, certainly you couldn't tell him he was 'wrong' as it was how he felt, others might see it from another perspective though. There's no doubt (in my mind anyway) that the whole poppy thing has grown arms and legs and there does seem to be a smug element to it, saying that, its the same for other charities, we live in a culture where we need to show how much we care about things, this is just one vulgar aspect of it, it does sadden me that as a charity, its one that seems to take a lot of kickings about it though. Although an ex serviceman, and its a cause I have some sympathy with, if I could only give to one charity it wouldn't be any Armed Forces charity, but its a bit crass to give a charity pelters because its become politicised through no fault of its own (although I'm sure they enjoy the coverage by the media bandwagon jumpers). Give or don't give, go to a remembrance or don't, I don't bother my arse about Pudsey Bear, at the end of the day its just another charidee and there are gazillions of them, it will all be over tomorrow, at least for another year.
  7. Seen a few more old 'unit' T shirts about, even a guy who had a hat saying "old salt" or something similar. Was speaking to a female friend yesterday who's still in and was in uniform in the supermarket after work. She was randomly approached by an old 'gent' and told they had a name for 'Wrens' when he was in, "officers mattresses", how quaint She's heard far worse of course. This could equally have gone in the sexual harassment thread I suppose although I don't think she'll be running to the papers about it.
  8. Its like the worlds gone mad, even zee Jarmans and the officials are wearing a poppy armband. Never mind, only a couple of sleeps to go and it wll all be over for another year.
  9. Ah, that's nice. I love a story with a 'happy ending'.
  10. He'll be dining out on this for the rest of his life.
  11. I see the mighty T are advertising at the Scotland game, if I hadn't already moved onto the red stuff I'd have been sold on having another can or two. Damn them and their clever marketing.
  12. Imagine having the wit to remember something from a few hours previously, yup, I'm some machine.
  13. While I accept that its the 64 thousand dollar question, have you got any idea how ridiculous the notion is. Without doing any research, the countries that tolerate the laissez faire approach you're talking about are America and sections of the third world. I don't know if it was on Clinton's or Bush's watch that the 10 year moratorium ceased but apart from it being an election year, it was an unpopular 'law', especially with those that didn't have assault rifles. I'm not sure why they felt the need for them, other than the boy next door had one but hey ho. I'm not unsympathetic to firearms, I've used them most my life, only ever used automatic weapons in the Military, never wanted one in my private life, there are much better alternatives for hunting and sports shooting. Handguns, I get too, maybe not the need to carry them day to day but I accept the cultural differences as well as the differences in crime (partially because every fecker has a gun so sort of self perpetuating). Serious question, do you as an individual think America is a better place because individuals can own (and hoard) automatic weapons and unlimited amounts of ammunition ?
  14. I've stopped engaging with the child though.
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