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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. Called it last night. I'm guessing its a term that you object to.
  2. Yeah, generally but when its younger kids its as much about the 'ritual' of smacking as it is about pain. I've just recalled that a friend (who was an advocate so in theory not daft) who our kids were like brother and sister when they were wee couldn't get them to behave but I could. I had given them a 'skelp' when they were wee (probably about 6) and labelled it as 'uncle smack' and used 'uncle smack' to get them to behave. She flat out wouldn't hit the kids because she was 'uncomfortable' with it but was willing to turn a blind eye to me doing it. No children were harmed in the production of this story although 'uncle smack' worked for a long time after. Whatever you threaten your kids with, you need to back it up, unless its "I'm gonna feckin' klll you ".
  3. For me its down to choice/situation. Nobody wants to lay a hand on their kid, sometimes for whatever reason it will happen. As long as its proportionate then 'no foul'. Not ideal but not many of us live in that world anyway.
  4. Depends on how you look at it, he's 'showing his workings', you might not agree with him but that doesn't mean he's having eh "mare of all mare's here", your 'workings' have been a bit tardy, take a leaf out of Invergowrie Arabs book and add something to the.... whatever this is.
  5. I'm not sure you're on the right thead, this is a well put argument backing up your viewpoint. I get the notion of a shift of conscious, its how society evolves. One thing I will say is that what works in one country doesn't necessarily work in another, I'd love to see a Scotland (or anywhere else) where this would work but there are a range of differences between Sweden and Scotland (or the UK). We can cherry pick but its a big picture that is the issue, there are a lot of differences between the cultures of the Scandanavian coutnires and 'us'. We could learn a lot though.
  6. I agree with a lot of what you say, apart from the extreme on both sides, some onone side are accusing anyone who physically chastises a child as some kind of ogre, the other side isn't exactly telling everyone to beat their weans.
  7. It just seems to me that nobody likes to see a kid get a wee whack in the queue for the tills at the supermarket when mum is at the end of her tether. We all cringe inside, even those that have been there, I doubt bringing in rules will help. Certainly not for the kids who get a hiding at home. If you are lucky enough to have a kid that behaves or are a mature and wise enough parent or are dead set against laying a hand on your kid then fair enough, its a bit tight to try and prohibit those that maybe do need it or lack another option to give their kid a wee whack/skelp as opposed to a beating. It really won't have much of an impact () long term, at least in my, my mates that I have talked to tonight (text) or my daughters experience.
  8. Its a very inarticulate argument but not necessarily a bollocks one. Just because it smacks of The Daily Mail doesn't mean it lacks validity, its somebodies first hand view/experience. While I share your 'judgement' to an extent, its still a fair point and as far as I can remember, one that hasn't been expressed so far, certainly not in those words.
  9. In fairness, this thread isn't just about you.
  10. Second guessing, fortunately I haven't been there but I would imagine once you've dragged the kid from in front of the bus, grab them to you in a big hug of 'thank God' (even if you don't believe) that you feel the need to make it a memorable occasion that they won't repeat so instead of buying them ice cream you physically chastise them in an appropriate way that will stay with them as a lesson. Or at least that's the logic.
  11. Not having been there but the smack/sense of drama about the whole process turns a 'Darwin moment' into a bit of a drama (with a smack) that the kid remembers because the parent is so affected by it. An event that sticks with the kid.
  12. You should run classes, you'll make a killing, a lot of people seem to struggle one way or another.
  13. I'm claiming SJW, I only heard the term for the first time a couple of months ago and I had a 'light bulb' moment and thought of P & B. I get why you would take it as some kind of insult, from me, it pretty much is. Any cause will do, prime example, smacking kids, not a peep out of the masses until it hits the news/someone starts a thead and then all the dyed in the wool rage about it. Funny, didn't hear anything about it yesterday on here but today its flavour of the month. so spleens have to be vented and any nay sayers shouted down. Colour me scournful.
  14. Looks like the SJW's have been called out. Anyone else who skelps/slaps/leathers/batters feck out of a wean* is naughty but not my silver haired Saint of an old maw/paw**. *Pick your own terminology **That was different, I was a handful etc.
  15. Apologies in advance, drinking heavily tomorrow and on the choo choo's. Unlikely to be be a total cvnt but might take the odd excursion to the land of cvnt from time to time.
  16. Fear and humiliation are part of life and very much part of what keeps adults on the straight and narrow. Greed also plays a part and none of these emotions are pleasant. Just saying.
  17. Going over old ground but its not always a loss of temper, sometimes it can complete exasperation or a warning of danger. If a measured skelp is what it takes to make the kid realise how much the parent is concerned/affected then it can have the desired response. There can also be the lose of temper/parent at end of tether but as long as the response is measured then if it gets the job done then it works. I've never been a fan of that myself because a new boundary has been set but as we're basically debating (snigger) the physical response then as long as that is measured then that's probably the main issue here.
  18. and good parents will take that into consideration. The bad ones won't give a shit. Smacking I'm on about, not abuse.
  19. I don't know, my daughter is going out with a Muslim (a good few years now) so as a card carrying bairn beater I'm probably a shoe in as a racist too. I might be able to get a 'twofer', and if its a lassie I can be a sexist as well. That kid has it coming.
  20. Not torn at all, no real guilt, my kid is 25 and we have a great relationship. Can't wait to beat the shit out the grand wean's though. Edit to add, As I have a great relationship with my mum who hit me occasionally and probably does feel remorse for it. My father was of the best men I've had the pleasure to meet and yup, he gave me a few well deserved scuds over the years, last one being when I was about 13 or 14. I was going out of my way to bait him at the time and I wasn't much smaller than him so being a cock basically. He was a lot more gentle than I probably would have been, hard to say, I've not had a son.
  21. You really don't want the drips from an arse tap flooding the house.
  22. Maybe not perfect parenting, I doubt anyone sets out looking to lay a hand on their kids but real life can get in the way. Its not always down to losing control, sometimes there will be exasperation/rage or whatever but if that is tempered to a (not too painful) smack instead of a roundhouse kick to the swede then its sometimes still the right thing to do at that second in time. If the kid learns a valuable lesson then its no harm done by a skelp. For me the big problem is those that are so dead set against it that they can't see that it might have a part to play for some in the way they bring up their kids. As I posted several pages ago, the only time I can remember hitting my kid was after repeatedly not looking when we were crossing the road. She really can't remember being hit, its not had a lasting effect. The problem for me seems to be that good parents will have a parenting tool removed from them, like any tool, either use it or don't, its up to you but stopping parents from having the option really isn't the way to stop bad parents battering weans.
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