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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. Some sort of timeshare sounds in order.
  2. Yeah, I'm cynical about a lot of the outrage on here and not just on this thread. As a card carrying kid beater (the very odd slapped arse/back of legs but lets not get bogged down with the minutia) and being a kid that was beat to a pulp (hardly ) its hardly the worst thing that happens. I was more outraged about not being allowed to go to a concert when I was 15 than I was for any physical chastisement. I bore that grudge a lot longer than was healthy and with hindsight, I get why I wasn't allowed to go. I was also severely hacked off that my younger brother got to do stuff at a younger age than I did, I was the guinea pig as the older kid. Good parents don't punish their kids for shits and giggles and don't always get it right, there are plenty who bribe their kids with sweets and crisps, that's probably not good parenting, and arguably has a longer lasting effect than a measured physical chastisement. But that's all irrelevant, its all about the moral high ground and pontificating., and giving people shit of course.
  3. You spoil that lassie, I hate to see her enjoying herself.
  4. Its almost like some are rewriting history to score cheap points on a forum, surely not......
  5. Leather for us, we have blankets down on it which helps with the cold. We've got 'his and hers' sofa's and the dogs have made a bit of a mess, definitely better than fabric for toughness although a bit tatty now. Still work for plonking the arse though and she's not been moaning too loudly, hopefully get a few more years out of them.
  6. You know how this works, its all about the outrage, toss domestic violence in and we get 'house' (seems fair, others have called house). Gotta love the angry rhetoric to reinvigorate the 'debate'......
  7. Phew, my folks only hit me from time to time and not each other, I'd hate to wake up with a bread knife in my chest for giving the missus a 'love tap' after rolling in pished.
  8. Each to their own but I keep a sofa for as long as I can, we've had the current one for more than 10 years and 'my spot' is shaped to my arse. Perfection.
  9. I've bought stuff in the past for a rental, my 'man cave' such as it was, was getting filled up with crap so thought I'd get a cheap chest of drawers, got stung on the delivery, it wasn't even a particularly 'braw' chest of drawers and their till went down etc, all in all it was a bit of a shambles but felt a bit tight just fecking them off as it was a charity. When I'm not beating the bejezus out of weans (as per another thread) I'm not a bad fellah.
  10. Heart foundation charged me 20 quid (I think) to deliver about 6 miles on a 45 quid chest of drawers for a spare room. I kind of felt hooked in seeing as how it was a charity. Nosing round the charity furniture stores though there are some great bargains.
  11. Wasn't too bad, was hoping to be a dishevelled heap but I'll try harder next time. He'd be right, but for the wrong reasons.
  12. I'm doing my 'traditional' sunday afternoon, watching foozbaal and having a few Tennents. Only difference is we didn't go for our 'traditional' sunday morning long walk to work up a thirst, I've manned up and powered through though, I'm nothing if not stoic.
  13. Another downside to kids eh ? Taking up your valuable revenge time.
  14. As has been said earlier, there are a number of situations that can have an impact on kids. I wonder how many of those that are quick to condemn a bit of corporal punishment on a child would happily threaten or commit violence to another adult in front of children. That cretin at the Everton game springs to mind but you see guys behaving appallingly at football bawling, swearing and threatening all sorts.
  15. You should run a workshop to share the knowledge of how you stay so calm, calm is how you come across on here, I think we could all learn from you.
  16. We can't be sure, definitely an element of "He doth protest to much". One to watch.
  17. Yup, lots of angry 'shouty' people on here, name calling and aggressive. Great role models for the young.
  18. Maybe you're just a better parent than the rest of us.
  19. Humour ????? You're right though, as asked earlier in the thread, there haven't been many of the anti-smackers who have called out their own parents as absolute ogre's who have ruined their lives and driven them to feel sooooooo passionately about the matter...... since a thread was posted on here..... Och, I'm bored and enjoying the outrage.
  20. I've got a bit of time before the law gets changed, I'll have to make the most of it.....
  21. Killer come back dude, that's me well and truly telt.......
  22. Funny, your post seemed to imply that it was finding idiots, plural. Basically, you're a bit whiney aren't you ?
  23. Ah, got it, you're allowed to generalise and pigeon hole but others aren't. All seems a bit 'snowflakey' to me.
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