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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. It could be worse, you could be doing the grooming.
  2. I'm sticking with killing the opposition and no moral highground, just cementing power because they feel they can. Its historically what has happened and I can't see this being any different, its not like there was a grudging respect for the Romanov's. Academic now anyway.
  3. Ah, maybe explains why a guy would knockback a lassie and then feel the need for assisted navel gazing about it. Probably not one of the cool kids so his pals would take the piss. Bless.
  4. Well I don't want to be one of those 5 percenter weirdos and I've kissed a girl so that narrows it down.
  5. There was me just thinking 'new broom'. New guy knocks off any of the old lot that could rally an opposition 'shocka' stuff. Dressed up in a noble cause of course, but still an angry killing spree to cement their new power.
  6. Maybe she was embarrassed by you blowing her out. You might need to make a bit of an effort to 'woo' her to make up for it. If she's not worth the hassle then just leave it. Or kick her in the pie.
  7. Its even harder to know who does and who doesn't, I'm guessing you wouldn't take any chances and just slot everyone, regardless of their dental work.
  8. Trinny and Susannah would have a field day on the lad.
  9. It might have been more effective if they'd removed the assault rifles still in circulation, all you had was a culture of those with them and those without, some of who did want them. That's why whenever there's even a whiff of another ban being put in place more go out and buy them to beat the anticipated 'dead'line. Things change anyway, there seems to have been an increase in the 'newsworthy' mass slayings, certainly more than there was leading up to the last ban. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban I'm assuming this is what you're referring to.
  10. Fair one, we had to send the dross somewhere. You've had influxes since then though, enough to dilute that bad Brit blood, maybe its time to try something radical and take the assault rifles away.
  11. Maybe King Donald should send a 'fact finding mission' to Canada then. Sounds like the US could learn something to their benefit.
  12. I'm passingly familiar with it, as for the rest, its just your opinion versus mine. I draw different conclusions, that happens.
  13. They don't need to be disarmed, the 'spirit' of the 2nd Amendment could be met and the automatic weapons could be banned. They could still 'bear arms' without the lethality of automatic weapons. I can't be arsed to check but I'm sure I read/heard a similar percentage of Canadians have firearms, just not in the same quantities or type of firearms, there's only a small fraction of fatalities though.
  14. The whole thing is so exasperating that you want to greet. Or mock. Or both.
  15. Is this real ? Sorry for questioning but I hadn't heard this, that's frightening on a number of different levels.
  16. Aye, a lot seems to have been lost or twisted along the way. Like I say, I've heard the justification that they need to be able to fight against the State if the people feel they're being oppressed being used a fair bit. That this crap hasn't been called out as absolutely futile tells a story in itself, its quite despairing that culturally there is the 'want' to have automatic weapons that are only designed to kill people. I've shot over the years myself as well as doing the bang-sticks when I was in the Forces, I'm very comfortable with firearms but for the life of me, I really don't get this mass psychosis about being armed to the teeth.
  17. A couple of wids there, any takers for this one ????
  18. Yup and hard for the rest of us to get our heads round. That the Second Amendment is an AMENDMENT kind of suggests that things were changed to include it, a lot of Septics seem to see it as unchangeable because it suits their personal agenda. I can understand why they would want firearms to hunt or even a handgun for home defence, the logic of being able to rally against the State if the State was trying to oppress them falls flat on its arse, having an assault rife isn't going to help when the State roll up in a tank or helicopter gunship, basically utter bollocks but its a mass delusion that a hell of a lot of them buy into. Any change will have to be 'forced' on them, its ingrained into the psyche of far too many, can't see it happening any time soon, even Obama who was keen on changes couldn't swing it.
  19. I'm not sure why they bother with the multiple law enforcement agencies, just make sure everyone is armed to the teeth and they can sort it out themselves.
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