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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. They've already done several million pounds worth of improvements by the look of it.
  2. Thanks, just for research purposes I should probably give them a go, we'll be at Aldi tomorrow so I'll pick up a 4 pack. Tesco's is 20 tins for 11 quid on Tennents at the moment though.....
  3. I've haven't tried either (I don't think), are they any good ?
  4. You could argue that if all the celebs that took part in Children in Need donated a couple of percent to the fund instead of tap dancing or whatever shit they get up to then the same money could be raised instead of public involvement. The public involvement is a part of the whole process, um.... lest we forget. There are a lot of charities sat on fortunes, my missus works in cancer research, the 'sciencey bit' not the fund raising and they have to do a sales pitch to the charities (although technically working for a university) for funding. I have heard that the British Legion is sat on gazillions and gathers far more than they dish out but that's anecdotal. Charity is an industry now, we'll all have ones that are 'closer to our hearts' than others. Charities are run by people, charities head hunt people, its an industry, by all means, cherry pick YOUR charities, we all do, I just don't get the need to single out charities for criticism unless they've been caught being up to no good financially. A lot are by the way, some spend quite lavishly on their HQ's etc but my spider senses aren't picking up that this is your logic.
  5. Brilliant ! Is it wrong that I'm aroused ? By the old skool can obviously.....
  6. Should have led with "media and poppy point scorers", its a bit less ambiguous than "they". "They" just leads to arguments when its misunderstood.
  7. For the sake of clarity who is the 'they' that you think is pushing an agenda, I'm pretty sure its not the charities themselves.
  8. They look pretty good to be honest. That is just embarrassing, I've never understood why anyone would find casual-chic a strong look.
  9. Cheers, I knew they had 'something' as I had to check when we were working with German Forces at the time and we didn't want to cause offence.
  10. They have a similar 'custom' I believe, there shouldn't be any conflict (intended ) with our German allies.
  11. I used to tell my daughter Rebecca that she was named after a bottle of Becks, lest we forget etc.
  12. We were planning on getting a tourer in the shorter term but the missus is wanting a new car earlier than planned which might throw a spanner in that plan too. Either way, I'll finally have to learn to drive because she's not confident with driving either. I've put it off long enough in fairness so time to step up for when we get one.
  13. Can't wait for my midlife crisis, we're desperate to get a motorhome. Will need to either pay the mortgage off or wait for oldies to die first though, they ain't cheap, certainly not the ones Princess Root would deign to go in.
  14. Hopefully when he leaves the primary school he'll see the light.
  15. By default it has become a political symbol through no fault of its own. While I've no issue with the 'white poppy' I'm not keen on it piggy backing on the red one. The idea of recognising everyone who has died in conflict is noble enough but if there needs to be a flower connection for some reason then why not a white carnation (crysanthemum ?) on the 15th of August. There are also plenty who just don't like the whole 'warry' thing so its I've no problem with it not being used in connection with football etc. I say this as someone who's 'done their 22', not that that means my view should take precedence over anyone elses. I'll be there at my local Cenotaph with a single red poppy, no medals, beret etc (but each to their own), probably unshaven, I'll not be meeting up afterwards to relive past glories and 'swing the lamp', me and the missus just feel we should turn up. I am uncomfortable with how some treat this event though, like any charity it isn't and shouldn't be compulsory.
  16. Seems like an overreaction to me, its a well known 'fact' that just beating annoying children is the accepted approach.....
  17. You looked closer than I did, now you mention it though, I see it, bit fuzzy (at least to my old eyes) but aye. I'll get me coat.
  18. My brother stayed in Abbeyhill for a while and used to spend time out that way, that'll be it. Cheers mate, I'll be able to sleep tonight now.
  19. Currently renewing my acquaintance with Mr T. Slainte chaps (and chapesses)
  20. I'm looking at that picture and trying to place it too, its familiar but I've lived all over Edinburgh in the past, hoping someone will call it.
  21. Unless you're hanging out your arse then a whiff of a pint of lager making you wretch would suggest that you're a wee bit sensitive. Or have a sense of drama. Neither are attractive qualities.
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