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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. Sometimes there may be an element of that but if the kid see's how angry/frustrated/scared/worried/bat shit crazy their parent is about something then it might just stay with them. Most parents don't do it for shits and giggles, if and when they do. Sorry if this flies in the face of popular opinion on here.
  2. That's not how this game is played mate.
  3. Its all about the rhetoric dude, where's the fun in having a go at someone who says they give their kid a slap on the wrist, its kind of hard to work yourself up into a froth over that, much better to clothe your cause of righteous indignation with talk of beating weans half to death. At the end of the day, its all about the outrage baby.
  4. Sounds like they had a different approach to my own when it came to physically (and emotionally) chastising my kid. Reading between the lines, your parents sound like cvnts, that doesn't mean that everyone who dares to deal with their kids physically is an ogre. At the risk of offence...... get over yourself.
  5. If we want to save the lives of children then we wouldn't let 17 year olds drive.
  6. I'd suggest that while the Daily Mail rhetoric is pretty tragic, they're using a first hand example to put their case forward. I cringe at the Mail myself but I'm not 12 so try and keep an open mind, using first hand examples is a pretty standard way of backing your case. Of course, if you're that blinkered and judgemental then you'll only see what you want to see. There are plenty ways to harm a child, either by an adult or another child, physically is just one of them, I have more memories of being bullied/humiliated or however you want to describe it by other kids (or young adults) than I do of being skelped by parents, who would never have tried to humiliate me the way other kids treat each other. I realise this is irrelevant because its all about the bandstanding, just putting it out there for those that will get it.
  7. Its almost like some P & Ber's get themselves worked up over whatever is in the papers at the time and behave like its a view that they've been passionate about since 'forevah'........
  8. My kid is 25 now and I reckon I could still beat her in a fight.
  9. No whining, its not like I come on here for reasoned debate, just an observation. Interesting that those that are 'thinking of the children' are doing the name calling though. I can confirm that no dogs were kicked on the walk either. Not this time anyway, mwah ha ha hah.
  10. I'm just killing time before taking the dugs out for a walk, I don't take this place as seriously as some. Enjoy your froth though mate.
  11. Who's talking about 'leathering' weans ? There's some very colourful language getting thrown around to justify outrage and name calling. P & B, the home of reasoned debate.
  12. Its the whole 'ritual' aspect to it, I'm surprised this needs clarification. Not dissimilar to when a kid falls over, realises they have fallen over, has a think about it then decides to start greeting because they think they should.
  13. You'd be assuming wrong, read what I wrote and then the reply.
  14. Good old P & B picking up the ball and running with it though, bravo, nice attempt to polarise things. Try rereading what I typed, I mentioned the process of smacking and NOT being painful. Still, at least its something to get yourself worked up over eh ?
  15. That's a whole different set of circumstances, beast thread for this pish.
  16. Seems a bit drastic to me, a lot of the time its not even painful, especially with the younger ones, its more the process of being smacked. I don't think you'll get anyone supporting seriously hurting a child. Its not like those that do think smacking is acceptable are trying to force people to smack their kids, its a parenting choice, kids cry when they get sent to the naughty step, I don't see what the difference is.
  17. Would you want to stop others dealing with their kids differently though ? We're not talking about beating children here, there are already rules that prohibit that.
  18. Go on, give it a go, its quite refreshing.
  19. I can't think of a time that I didn't deserve it when I got a skelp. The last time my dad hit me I was about 13 or 14 and was taking the piss out of him, in hindsight I admire his restraint. My mum broke a wooden spoon hitting me when I was about 10. I had loving parents who did a good job of raising me and my brother, I can't fault them and I've no lasting issues. On a slightly separate issue, the belt was banned at the school after 4th year for me and I would prefer to get the belt than lines or write an essay, different punishments for different kids.
  20. Got smacked from time to time and smacked my own kid from time to time. We were talking about it a few years back and she can't actually remember it, off the top of my head it was only for repeatedly not looking when crossing the road. A mixture of exasperation on my part and trying to teach her a lesson that might save her life. There are far worse ways to punish a kid than that short term skelp, as already said, there's a big difference between a skelped arse and a punch in the pus. Its not like its compulsory to skelp your kids, if you feel you don't want to then fine but to get so worked up by a very minor form of punishment is a bit of an overreaction and not going to stop kids taking a hiding.
  21. Not sure of the science behind it, I just know there's going to be issues with my behind. The other big side effect is the hangovers and there's definitely a difference there with what you pour down the entry hole. I'm lucky with hangovers but I remember drinking Oranjeboom and Amstel in Amsterdam in the early 90's and getting serious headaches. Newky Brown was the only thing that got me punchy so I stopped drinking it, I was only drinking it because I was a big Auf Weidersehen fan anyway. I'm definitely less ball bagged on a night on the lash after drinking The T than the 5% stuff but still able to reach my happy place.
  22. Yup, had the squits on wine and lager and a combination of both. I'm not really a spirit drinker but drink enough of whatever your preferred loud mouth soup is and its arsehole Niagra.
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