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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. My money is on Harry if it gets pwoppa nawty, he's a machine.
  2. Mornin' amigos, ref the shirt, I've not heard a peep from the club yet, I've got a couple of friends who sponsors players every year, I'll speak to them to find out what the drill is and get back. In the mean time if anyone wants to start the ball rolling with ideas, we should probably use the old sponsor thread to spraff our pish and leave this one. Harry gave me a wee nudge a couple of days ago and its taken me a couple of days to catch up so apologies for not posting something about it sooner. Teams looking good for next year, only down side of getting our shit in one sock early is it could be a long long summer with no transfer rumours. Small price to pay I suppose. PH might surprise us yet though, a couple wingers would be nice.
  3. You've got to love the alternative Captain Birdseye, he might be a Nazi U-boat (well barge) driver but he's not surrounded by scared looking weans.
  4. I can't remember the in's and out's but both Robertson and Dixon left because of Rae's 'management' style' apparently. We'll probably never know for sure but I don't think Rae was an 'arm around the shoulder' kind of a guy, more of a "do as I feckin' say" cat.
  5. Aye, mine went a bit 'peculiar' doing stuff like that, I put it down to Missus Root dropping it and having to get a replacement screen but if you're getting the same thing then we'll maybe need to get Scooby and the gang on the case.
  6. I've not been too impressed with much of his new stuff for quite a while, missus Root was the driving force for us going. He did play Suedehead though and a couple of The Smith tracks which went down very well.
  7. Oh aye, I seem to mind that. Did you make Mozza on saturday Biggie ? I'd be interested to get your opinion.
  8. Hola amigo, I've been catching up on this thread over the last few days, has NDD disappeared again ? What's the word on the street ?
  9. Craig Forsyth is having a good game for Scotland, good to see 'one of ours' getting a cap.
  10. I don't know if Raith would let him go, he scored at the weekend but aye, someone like oor Christian.
  11. I'm not sure a Heffernan type of forward is what we need but PH hasn't got that much wrong really. If we were going to be bringing in another forward I'd be looking for a big lumping one (like Scotland for Accies) who could hold the ball up and play in our attacking midfielders. Still not official yet though so we'll see.
  12. Glad to hear she's doing well mate, from what I know its more common with males but I can't claim to be an expert. She's obviously brought up in a 'richt enough' family who love her. That's the important stuff. I think most of us have our wee oddities, I know I do and I'm considered 'normal' (at least by me and all the voices in my head ), we can be quick to judge, if people aren't a problem then embrace the strange, it would be a boring world if we were all the same.
  13. That could probably be applied to a lot of things, not making excuses but thats life I suppose. The fact that we're even talking about Aspergers is probably a step in the right direction, 10 years ago most of us probably hadn't even heard of it let alone a vague understanding.
  14. I don't think anyone was intending any slight Mrs M, we're not experts but then again despite what we think most of us aren't the renowned experts on Scottish football we like to think we are either, it doesn't stop us spraffing on about that either. I think we're trying to figure out why Supras was such a humourless, p***kly and argumentative 'character' (there, I said it ! ). His dogmatic approach to debate certainly suggested that there was issues. One of my best mates used to say (and it struck a chord with me and I now think the same) that all men are autistic and all women are neurotic, its a sweeping generalisation but it seems to me that we're probably all on some scale for something. I hope it all goes well with the wee one.
  15. I've not been very active on here for a while, not sorry to see Supras gone, I found that even when I agreed with his starting point somehow his manner was so argumentative I couldn't bring myself to support him, someone on here has mentioned Aspergers and I have to agree, megalomania would be one I'd be testing for too. Was Casual Bystander one of his ? I thought there were a lot of similarities.
  16. My accumulator came in that day as well, it wasn't a massive one (I think 2 games were cancelled) but I took about a ton of the bookies. Definitely a day to remember
  17. Aye, I checked my spam folder, nada. I've emailed them so hopefully today they'll sort it. Cheers for replying though mate.
  18. Tried to join today, haven't got my confirmation email and its been a while anyone else have snags or am I just getting the bums rush
  19. The new one is out on the 19th of December, I can't wait.
  20. Saw this on the news and I fancy it. I'm a history dweeb though.
  21. Kudos to Nicky Riley, he's made of balsa wood so would get smashed to a pulp but you've got to love his spirit.
  22. I liked him and he seemed to enjoy his time at Dens, good luck to him and I wish him all the best.
  23. Still an outside bet for the deadpool, the Fatwa is still ongoing.
  24. We've got one a few years ago (Mrs Roots idea) and I thought it would last a month and the wee cup things would be expensive/pain to use etc but here I am about 3 years later still using it. Great wee things and you can order the capsule things online for less than they are in the shops, they usually throw in a freebee as well, admittedly its usually some foul sweet thing that doesn't interest me but hey, they're free so no biggy. Enjoy your bargain mate, I like the Americano but there's loads of different ones.
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