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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. chomp my root


    Really enjoyed it until towards the end, I've still to watch the second half of the last season. I really need to though, just for 'closure'. Its one of those that I will watch pretty much back to back again though. That's a great way to watch a series/box set.
  2. Not sure that's the case but I really can't be arsed to trawl the internet to back the point but my wife who works in cancer research reckons there's something there, good enough for me. I can't claim the same level of wisdom on the sugar/ADHD but I see a difference in a friends kid now that he's had his sugar intake reduced. People believe what they want to believe and justify it, we can all take our pick on our various logics, Gods will being a prime example.
  3. There is research to suggest that artificial sweeteners are linked to an increase in cancer and that the increase in diagnosis of ADHD is linked to the rise in kids eating more sweets/'full fat' drinks, I don't know if they fall under the conspiracy umbrella, unless I've maybe got the bug, best don the tin foil, just in case.
  4. Considering how much we all really really don't like nazis (amongst others), we've given them a fair bit of um, debate. In fact we need another 'noble' cause for some on here to get their teeth into. Have we done fox hunting yet ?????
  5. While not an uber fan I like Pratchett's world and world view. Its a bit more 'gentle' than the whole flat earth pish.
  6. It really is as simple as I could bore with visual horizons and radio waves but much easier to go with Father Ted.
  7. Not likely to happen now, I keep a very well stocked drinks (lets call it a) cabinet but back in the day if I didn't have lager or wine in the house I'd mump and moan and not drink. I've never been a spirits fan although there would always be the odd half bottles that mates had left and I had a bottle of mead that I couldn't shift for love or money. While I'd hardly call myself a purist, I know what I don't like, easier to keep well stocked. Pubwise, I've been known to slum it and drink Fosters/Carlsberg, I'm a bad man.
  8. Course its flat. horizons are a trick by 'da man' to make us think its round.
  9. Nah, his 'playing' with Rick and Daryl suggest a bit of a God complex, that and the Harem. I originally put it down to cheap to make TV and the almost incestuous way that some TV goes, its all about the main characters and the rest is window dressing. To be honest, I reckon this is the case. The Negan character just doesn't work for me this far into a disaster and I can't shake it. Its a bit weird discussing the flaws in a programme about the zombie apocalypse but I could forgive all the earlier flaws (both in the decisions the characters made and the annoying characters etc) but Negan was the one that tipped me over the edge and got me raging about the stuff I'd forgiven, stuff like the way that they've tried to make all the 'tribes' different recently, the 'swamp wifies', the 'garbage folk', feckin Ezekiel's skateboard armoured bunch. It just seems to be trying too hard in some respects, I know quite a few who have just stopped watching it, I'm maybe too brand loyal with my TV watching, last night was the best of the season so far though.
  10. Its been a steady decline since the introduction of Negan for me. He's the wrong baddy this far into the zombie apocalypse, those that will have survived this long wouldn't be cowed so easily, at least not all of them. Maybe just after it started folk might be desperate enough to let a nutjob despot take charge but as things got established he would get the heave. I can't help but think its the wrong actor too, just not physically intimidating enough. Now while I've given this wayyy to much thought, I can't shake it. At least episode 5 tries to explain Negan a bit, best of the season so far but I'm more 'hanging in there' than loving it now. Pity, I used to love it even though its not a genre I would go for.
  11. I know what you mean, I've not drank it for close on 30 years, used to drink it so my pals knew how tough I was because it was fecking vile.
  12. Currently imbibing a few tins of Mr T's finest in a Stella glass, I'm wearing black socks too so the fashion police can stand down. Slainte chaps.
  13. I like that, it has character. Don't get me wrong, if I end up on Grand Designs, I'll not be going for a pineapple roof but yeah, I like that.
  14. Used to love Hogmanay when I was younger (up to mid 20's) but not been arsed about it since, just an excuse to get batfaced and I've never really needed an excuse.
  15. The last couple of years that we've been in our own gaff for christmas I've bought a good big lump of fillet steak and made a beef Wellington. Braw. The missus has scunnered herself with nut roast so not sure what she'll fancy this year. Think the plan this year is a visit to her folks in the morning then back to Casa Root to be a pair of miserable selfish gits and do our own thing, mostly eating and drinking and having a look on Amazon to see what I can spend my vouchers on when the sale starts.
  16. Being drunk and obnoxious can be forgiven, sober, not so much.
  17. Easier said than done, my missus has a fecked up relationship with her own mum and prefers me to be with her when she(we ) visit because I deal with her a bit more robustly. Mrs Root is a bright woman but like a lot of lassies she struggles to deal with her own mum. Yup, bitches really do be crazy.
  18. Sound like candidates for waterboarding.
  19. #touglyforsanta Its the time of year that amateur drinkers get the rest of us a bad name. I put a lot of effort into being pub fit, bevvying is for life, not Christmas.
  20. I'm sure they did their share of masses though (when they weren't drowning folk). Or pumping Marilyn.
  21. Apologies for my lack of correct usage of the term, yeah, I think it needs to be 4 or more to be a 'mass shooting', unless they're Kaflicks doing their thing with the beads. The whole thing does sort of play into the victim thing with the 'mass' stuff. The Kennedy's were Catholic..... just saying.
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