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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. Sad man that I am, I created a new account but they seem to be on to me, don't know if its keeping tabs on the IP address or what but they nabbed my new account as having already won.
  2. Cheers will contact them and see what's happening. Nothing in junk/spam and no automatic filtering enabled so maybe something else I've got configured. That's 3 different email addresses tried with 3 different winning codes and no mails. Gah! Worth persisting for a free T glass mate. Good luck.
  3. Try your spam/junk. You can only use an email address once, I've done it a few times and had a 'bounce back' every time. I think there's a bit that says if you haven't heard in 10 minutes contact them but I've not used it so can't help on that front.
  4. Try it with a different email address, your missus or whatever. Whatever email address you use will be sent a link that needs to be clicked on to finalise the deal. I see your 3 and raise you..... 5. Admittedly one is for a mate. Still looking to add to the collection.
  5. In that case, there will surely be a PM with a code in my inbox very soon..... Euphemism ?
  6. I did hear through the grapevine that if you use a different email address you can have another go....... just saying.
  7. Was doing paperwork for a Malaysian guy called Dr Weiping Dong. A pal's ex missus went to school with 2 brothers Andrew and Peter Ness, A Ness and P Ness.
  8. Oh my days.... Managed to get ahead of the game and persuaded the missus to buy in advance due to the CO2 issues. Got another one to check too. #winning
  9. I've just won a third, running out of email addresses. Got my name on the first two (good to have a spare) and got one for a mate who comes round for drinkipoos after the evening dog walks sometimes. Next time I'll get a CHOMP glass so I can be one of the cool kids. Just need to up my vitamin intake.
  10. Surely that would depend on the amount of T you'd consumed ?
  11. Won myself another glass with my name on it. What a time to be alive.
  12. I've got a couple of Stella goblet type glasses that I use for T, they seem to keep the head better.
  13. When I'm writing a list, shopping or whatever I print everything in capitals too. I can't remember the last time I wrote a letter in cursive, not that I'm much of a letter writer, pretty much everything is done by email these days. I'm another touch typer, hated learning it, struggled to keep up with the pace but then it just clicked. Probably one of the most useful things I've learned, seeing as we tend to live our lives in front of a keyboard one way or another.
  14. Unless the parents are both doctors. Neglecting your kids is fine then. Apparently.
  15. A bit like the 12 x table when I was at the school. I was taught to write cursive at the school abroad but when I came to Scotland in 78 they were teaching some half arsed version. I was allowed to carry on with it. As already said, it alllows for speedy dictation but that's not really much of an issue now.
  16. Bottom of the tin, you need to put it in like this. '23feb19L1234'. When you buy a slab you get 1 go.
  17. I've won one of the glasses. https://win.tennents.com/ I'll keep trying, be good if I can get a spare.
  18. Not a great deal you can do about it though. I've got a full head of hair at 50 although there ain't much black in it any more, other than mild curiosity about how weird I'd look, I've no plans to dye it Probably marginally more likely than the anal bleaching but both a long shot.
  19. Bass lager was the worst of a bad bunch, even worse than Harp. Now I think about it, it had that 'flowery' taste I associate with the 'craft' lagers, didn't like it then and don't like it now.
  20. That was a bit before my time then, it was Tennents or McEwans when I were a lad, gotta say, McEwans was a poor substitute for Tennents.
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