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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. I look at it like a race, if she can't keep up thats her problem
  2. So what was the story about VT turning up then ? at least point me in the direction of the thread. Cut a brother some slack here homes.
  3. Maybe you should start a "SJC's good name" thread then now that you're 'box office'
  4. We're still missing a few, Jockey's Jetpack hasn't been seen lately and bloomoganners is gone too. I understand where you're coming from but you've got to admit, its a lot quieter without him, hopefully our 'new friend' will be a wee bit more mellow than the dearly departed NDD.
  5. That sounds like a great story if you can be arsed can you repeat it for those of us who haven't heard it ?
  6. "Standby to repel boarders" passes as foreplay if you're flying the Jolly Roger mate, honest !
  7. My favourite quote from this piece.... "had strayed dangerously close to the back doors". Not sure why.
  8. Shite would be too strong, he was a bit uncommitted in a Dundee derby that we lost on the back of a Dundee derby that we lost so some of the Dundee fans expected him to be a bit more 'competitive'. He's not the finished article yet, as he wasn't with you guys when I saw him play but he's not thrown a massive strop yet and he's had some good performances. Could still go either way I think but if he learns to keep the heid he'll have a career as a professional footballer at some level.
  9. I guessed that the corners would all have shops run by people from a certain country, guess I was wrong
  10. Even if he's a 'puppet' (I can't help but think Team America anyway) he's going to be on a sweet number. If he kills himself then good stuff, let the South Koreans and whoever else see who they really have to deal with. I for one won't be shedding a tear, it will be a step to that fecked up country helping its people.
  11. I think you can safely rule out suicide, he's got it made. Can you imagine how many burds you get to pump just being the Grand Poobah ? It doesn't matter that you're a fat gibbering mess. Even if he's only had the gig a few years his tadger must be worn down to a match stick.
  12. Bravo Throbber, bravo, you went from being semi (snigger) serious about getting bored with sock jokes to me nearly spraying red wine all over my laptop. I had a T shirt that I used to use for some reason, I think it started as a one off and then it just got reused. I was away from home and doing my own washing so no foul, no crime but even after it was washed it was tainted in my eyes and I never wore it again, it probably had a months worth of baby gravy fired into it before it was washed and then binned. Bog roll is the way ahead, if you get questioned on why you've got a roll of it (and probably a dozen empty rolls) by your bed you can always say you had a cold. No one will believe you but you can say it.
  13. Now I heard a rumour that if you spray the American midgie spray 'OFF' on the happy sack area then you get a really nice tingling feeling. I also 'heard' that it doesn't work with Avon's 'Skin so soft' which admittedly does keep the midges away pretty effectively too.
  14. It was half crap and half good stuff. I do strangely miss NDD's input and I really didn't think I would be typing this.
  15. I liked Conroy, he could be frustrating at times but as Deejango says, he seemed to work harder under Brown and he kept that side of his game when Brown went. I'd have kept him for this season personally, he did alright for us 2 seasons ago in the SPL. Good luck to him, unless we end up playing you guys of course. If big Nade feels the love he'll be a big asset for you but he's a player that has to be in the right frame of mind I think, he seemed to feel comfortable at Dens and you could see the improvement on a weekly basis. Good luck to Raith this season, its a fecker of a league but you should get some nice big gates out of it.
  16. We had a few missing ourselves, including our only LB. To be fair to Gary Irvine, he's been a lot better than most of us feared he'd be. Kevin Thompson is a big miss too but no excuses, last Sunday we were taught a lesson by a more professional team, especially at this level.
  17. A good assessment. The only concern is going to be our back line. Certainly last sunday we got a lesson, last night not so much but fair do's you won. I'm happy with our league position and generally the way we've played, its a building exercise for us at the moment, would it was rather it wasn't the Arabs that ended our run though
  18. It looked to me like he tripped and dragged Boyle down with him, I didn't think he dived but I've not seen it since so might be wide of the mark. It looked like a 50/50 with the 2 guys jostling and then ending up in a snotty heap.
  19. I've not watched it again either but it looked a 50/50 with Boyle getting pulled down. I was amazed when he got a Red for it but I'll hopefully get a chance to watch it again. There was a lot more passion tonight and McPake was immense (again), I just hope he's not fecked himself, we're painfully thin at the back.
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