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Everything posted by lightscamera

  1. Mines is still downloading, is it advisable to play with all lights on and the bairns in bed? Asking for a mate...
  2. If you have a good (or bad depending on how you look at it mate) get them to put bricks through her windows at least once a week. It's shit having neighbours who are w*nks. The son of the wifey next door to me used to deal drugs from his bedroom until he was eventually kicked out the street. Now I have the parking p***k, literally parks 2 inches from either the front or the rear of my car or anyone visiting my house. Moving house this Friday so won't have to see his greetin puss again
  3. Violet has only just started being used in our house and usually all I hear is "5,10,15 minutes of bedtime music" Our eldest turns 8 tomorrow, no idea where the years have gone. Also moving house soon which means she's going to a new school after the summer for P4, will be going from a class of 20 odd to a full school of 16, 3 of them P4's and it will only be ours and one P3 in the school that are girls! Appears to have gotten over the initial fear of moving school and is now looking forward to it, even has a 2 day induction next week
  4. The Doctor had noticed that there wasn't enough Battery left in the suit to kill her...
  5. So Gargoyles.....WTF?! I have been going through a Fifa faze and hadn't been on this for a while but decided to pick it up over the weekend. Still not particularly far on and have just met my Witchy Friend (Keira) and went searching for the Elven Mage. Due to having taken a slight battering from a Water Hag that decided to sneak up on me, I have met my first Gargoyle with hardly any health. I don't think I actually need to defeat it to progress through the cave but I'm not one to leave something killable if I don't really have to, I think I've been killed 4 or 5 times due to the low health but have only just came up with a couple of ideas... 1. Can I meditate and regain health before entering the cave he is in?? 2. Can I just leave Keira to deal with it if option 1 isn't possible? What is the best form of attack (generally) on these Gargoyles?
  6. It was only the tutorial part that I had issues with choppiness. When in the castle grounds it was really stop start which had me fairly bemused. Fortunately as soon as I got to White Orchard ot was fine and haven't had any issues since. I originally thought it was my copy of the game but it appears not
  7. Has anyone else read Robert Jordans Wheel of Time series? It took me about a year and a half to get through all 13 books but thoroughly enjoyable if you like a Syfy/Fantasy theme. I've now moved onto A tale of 2 cities, Im sure it's the 2nd or 3rd time I've attempted to read this as I just couldn't get into it before
  8. Cheers, I was considering completing them all 1st anyway. Thought I'd check and see beforehand incase I get too impatient and wanted to move on before completing them all
  9. Very probably a stupid question, but after the Griffin has been killed and you are preparing to leave White Orchard, do you get to travel back there or do you have to have cleared all of the Side Quests 1st?
  10. Tbh I've only played a few hours and am loving it already anyway! One thing I'm not keen on is the swimming, I've banished a noonwraithe from a well but after I'd jumped into the well it took ages for me to get back out again, it seemed that every time I started swimming in the right direction I ended up turning around and going back the way I'd just come from
  11. So I picked this up the other week. I'm not far into it at the moment. Have almost hit level 3 and have completed all of the parts leading up to the Griffin, is it recommended to be a few levels above what I am before attempting to kill him?
  12. Literally just had my Ps4 delivered after deciding to jump from the 360. Feel free to add me Enzo_254
  13. There's a 5 year gap between mine which seemed a great idea at the time with 1 being born while the other was starting school. Maybe a smaller gap would have been better but they also do enjoy playing together aswell, just maybe not as much as they would if it was a smaller gap. I would have another one but only because I would like a boy, don't think I could survive living in a house with 4 females!
  14. Both of ours have been born in the pool and as everyone else says it really does seem to help with the pain and also seems to assist with stretching in a way that there's not a massive amount of bleeding etc (in our experience anyway). Don't get in it if you get the opportunity, I've seen what ends up floating about in those baths!
  15. I had a wander into town today and there was a Ryhorn outside the jobcentre, unfortunately it didn't stampede and maul the top quality clientele gathered outside. So far I think I have hatched a Horsea and 2 nidorans or something else fairly rubbish
  16. Cheers Lex! Didn't expect it to be as simple as that!! I walk past 1 on the way to my bus then another 2 are close enough to areas where the bus usually has to wait in traffic so will give that a go tonight
  17. So how does a Pokestop work? As in what do I actually do while at one? I have caught 2 Voltorbs and a Magnemite just while sitting at my work, both fairly low level (but Im only level 5 anyway) and then managed to catch a Growlithe and a Drowzee on the bus home
  18. I had forgotten how much of a pain in the arse toilet training was! 2 year old doesn't want to sit on the potty or the toilet, the only time she will is at bath time, and even the she only sits down for about 10 seconds before deciding she is done after not having done anything! She will gladly tell you after she has filled her nappy! Have moved her onto pullups and it took a good 5 minutes (of stropping) to get her to put them on. She had another huff due to the fact that we got her some proper pants to try as she was convinced these were her sisters! I don't know how I have ended up with 2 huffy little know-it-all daughters! Clearly get it from their mother
  19. My oldest is extremely sensitive. Burst into tears due to Children in need the first time she watched it and then when watching the tales of Desperaux the other week, when the father handed over his bairn while saying "sorry". Me laughing at this never seems to help matters though...
  20. My oldest was doing "Creative Dance" at Dundee College on a Saturday morning - absolute pile of pish, I think they spent more time drawing pictures than anything else! Fortunately (or unfortunately) she got a Gymnastics place on a Tuesday night and Saturday, works out less expensive than it first seems. Unless she ends up being good at it and it will get mega expensive!
  21. If my youngest is anything to go by it will not even be 2 years and she will be a Devil child. Currently going through a stage of battering her big sister! Our oldest had a Gymnastics taster session last night. Decided she didn't want to go back as she had hurt her leg and finger and can't cartwheel (even though she can) !! 5 minutes down the road and she's shouting out in the back of the car that she is going back.
  22. Rip John. He used to be at hercules den when arbroath weren't playing at home telling anyone that would listen that there was a game on
  23. I went into Asda Milton for a small tub of whipping cream at about 1 o'clock today. It turns out all they have is Brandy Pouring Cream, Sour Cream or Creme Fresh, I didn't particularly think any of these options would whip very well.
  24. I'm sure there was also another hint at Clara becoming the hybrid when he mentioned that she "has all that still to come" with the 38th century stuff
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