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Everything posted by HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows

  1. Used to enjoy listening if I was out in the car or pottering around the house and garden. Not now. Yesterday was utter fucking cringe. As mentioned before TE used to be the sane, well researched and articulate one of the lot. He sounds like hes starting to lose it a wee bit, it's quite sad really, akin to baiting a bear. What was the point of the sports lawyer boy? Every answer "em.....well...as I see it.....it could go either way" Fuuuuuuuuck me I could have guessed that. Utter dog shite of a programme now.
  2. It works with a turtle! Which is..OK. Good. Always liked this bit because they are all genuinely laughing at his joke, and hes chuffed to bits
  3. Aye, got pulled up earlier in thread, gutted I miss heard that. Have the scripts too somewhere Anyway, I will not have her tunnel banded around this office, willy nilly.
  4. Can I ask you summet? Who does your tampons?
  5. Yep f**k, could have sworn it was no they dont. All I'll say is, look at his ears.
  6. What are the options again? Always the same
  7. Theres a name for people like that in the workplace. Wretch. Your club is the definition of being a Wretch c**t.
  8. Mind when Caley secured promotion and they changed the 10k seat rule to 7k? Mind that Partick went to court cause they had to build 10k the year before and mewled that we should do the same? Mind that?? I do. Get fucking down you utter irrelevance.
  9. John Hughes who's assistant manager was Russel Latapy aye?
  10. Nup, couldn't be fucked either way yo be honest. This way I get to see the mini **** greeting then wind them up next season so I'm good man.
  11. Ho, Anne's a successful buisness woman dontcha know? What would a timid, god fearing teuchter like uncle Roy know about buisness??
  12. But, but, but, what about all the hearts fans on here who were adamant this was going through?? Some even said to bookmark their posts they were that serious. It couldn't be that....no you dont think...were they just talking absolute shite??
  13. Tears For Fears -Sowing The Seeds Of Love
  14. Simmer down you utter fool. We bum fucked you in a Cup semi, with Christie. The problem isnt Inverness, its that your a glory hunting, mouth breathing fuckcrumpet.
  15. He forgot his kit every week though
  16. This is dece, almost like a lost episode. Also highly recommend Hello Ladies by Merchant, well worth a watch
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