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Everything posted by HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows

  1. To busy rattling the secretaries and office lassies if the rumours are to believed
  2. Yep, great example of an unreliable narrator, a theme I absolutely love in film and book.
  3. The whole basis for Irvine Welsh's Maribou Stork Nightmares. Boys in a coma trying to catch a massive stork, kills it as hes being killed irl then gets reborn as the Maribou Stork. It was him all along, he was the nasty, evil c**t he just couldn't admit it to himself. Perhaps a novel that a few on here should read and have a wee think about. One of my favourite books ever, did my RPR in Higher English on it, many moons ago.
  4. Looked like she had been on the ching in that last video. Couldn't leave her beak alone and looked wired.
  5. I'm in the biggest gang you ever saw, above the law, looking through the eyes of a pig I see it all. Not my words, the words of a Mr B Real.
  6. And no, it was Chip, Biff and Kipper so f**k you
  7. Aye..will get my books our their boxes, about.... maybe 3 months from now..!
  8. Like f**k I'm showing you fucking deviant my literature!!
  9. Can you imagine if you were a young black guy there just now?? How the f**k would you just not want to kill every c**t in a uniform?? f**k America.
  10. I moved house in October and culled alot of books to charity, still have 10+ boxes in spare room plus a full bookcase in the other and a unit in my bedroom of 1st editions, signed copies or expensiveish rareities. I fucking love the smell of a book, old or new. Nothing better than falling asleep with a book covering your face, one of lifes wee pleasures for me!
  11. Yeah, heard about your Dostoyevski, I read a book a week.
  12. Finished off a couple of books yesterday that had outstanding. Bird Box by Josh Malerman, great read, really enjoyed it. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, not a book I'd normally go for but it was 24p in Tesco so took a chance. Great fun, cracking wee story to lose a couple of hours to.
  13. Columbia Ruff House Records owned it early nineties to start of 2000
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