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Everything posted by HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows

  1. And no, it was Chip, Biff and Kipper so f**k you
  2. Aye..will get my books our their boxes, about.... maybe 3 months from now..!
  3. Like f**k I'm showing you fucking deviant my literature!!
  4. Can you imagine if you were a young black guy there just now?? How the f**k would you just not want to kill every c**t in a uniform?? f**k America.
  5. I moved house in October and culled alot of books to charity, still have 10+ boxes in spare room plus a full bookcase in the other and a unit in my bedroom of 1st editions, signed copies or expensiveish rareities. I fucking love the smell of a book, old or new. Nothing better than falling asleep with a book covering your face, one of lifes wee pleasures for me!
  6. Yeah, heard about your Dostoyevski, I read a book a week.
  7. Finished off a couple of books yesterday that had outstanding. Bird Box by Josh Malerman, great read, really enjoyed it. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, not a book I'd normally go for but it was 24p in Tesco so took a chance. Great fun, cracking wee story to lose a couple of hours to.
  8. Columbia Ruff House Records owned it early nineties to start of 2000
  9. Theres a Puma, Felicity, that was caught outside Inverness in the 80s I think. Its stuffed, on display in Inverness Museum.
  10. Do people really still give a f**k about the National team?? Its been dead for years to me, couldn't really give a toss about them at all. Club over country, everytime.
  11. It's Sky News, should've on Plus One any minute. Nice one!
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