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Everything posted by statts1976uk

  1. I wouldn't have thought the SPL would allow a groundshare between clubs in different leagues.
  2. A couple of years ago my wife's car needed a couple of new tyres so before I headed to the garage she asked me to phone ahead to make sure they had her cars alloys in stock as she thought they changed the alloy with the tyre!
  3. I don't think you can compare ICT and the newco as two new clubs. ICT were an amalgamation of two solvent clubs with a lot of history and the ability to produce accounts for many years, rather like a smaller football version of EE (Orange and T-Mobile). Rangers, on the other hand, are in the process of liquidation having gone bust rather like Woolworths who are now trading as a new company online with the name as a link.
  4. she's still not here, looks like the missus might be getting induced this weekend.
  5. Just playing the waiting game now, the missus is complaining of backache and occasion cramps! We thought she would start last night but the wee lass seems to be waiting for her moment! They expect her to be bigger than our son who was 9lb 12oz!
  6. That's a very good point Hellbhoy, with such a high price point it makes you wonder why they want to get so close to the threshold unless they have a pact with some of the other investors. What sort of worth do these brothers have? I've never heard of them before this week, maybe it's because I'm an east coaster.
  7. It's ok Bennett found it myself, according to this it's 30%. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takeover www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk/the-code/download-code
  8. Isn't 29.9% the threshold before you are obliged to put in an offer to buy the rest of the business? I seem to remember this from the Glazer's at Manchester United and the takeover at Arsenal.
  9. Well Glasgow does have the highest percentage of benefit claimants out of the Big 4 Scottish cities (Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen) and the second lowest average wage. If you take the areas that Ibrox and Parkhead are in the it's a lower average wage than the other cities. The wages are from 2011 but the figures haven't changed that much. This is of course assuming that the majority of the fans come from their respective cities. http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2011/nov/24/wages-britain-ashe-mapped#data http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2010/nov/17/unemployment-and-employment-statistics-economics#constituency
  10. When all the chat started about new kit suppliers Umbro were owned by Nike and several of their big teams are switching to Nike (England & Manchester City to name but two) so it makes you wonder why Rangers didn't. AWRA is correct that Puma are bigger than Umbro cashwise but the latter have one of the biggest honours lists in football significantly more than Puma with World Cups, European Cups etc. My take on the financial figures is that they are only interim figures and won't show the full picture, Green might decide to sell some of the young players to Championship clubs as soon as the window opens to make the figures look more attractive for investors when they compete in Division 2. The real interesting figures will be the year 2 ones as I think some of the big earners like Alexander and maybe McCulloch might be off the books this summer and the replacements would probably be cheaper.
  11. To be honest Hellbhoy, the rules have had little bearing on this saga as I'm sure both sides will agree. If the rules had been followed then we'd all be chatting about something else by now but all the authorities have been playing fast and loose with them hence why I think a leftfield decision and punishment will be forthcoming.
  12. With almost a week to go before the verdict is allegedly due, I think we should all say what we think is likely to happen. My guess and it's only a guess since this saga has had so many twists and turns so far, Rangers to be found guilty but no titles stripped, large fine but this will go to Oldco as it'll be judged to be a different club. A legal storm to follow from other clubs kicked out of competitions for incorrect paperwork and supporters from all sides to complain about the result for either being too harsh or too lenient! Over to you lot.
  13. I don't think your chairman has helped the perception of continuity by claiming that "he had bought the titles" and "Rangers had never played in the SPL". I appreciate his mouth may be a bit of a loose cannon but when your own chairman claims you've never played in the SPL you can surely see why people may think that The Rangers may be a new club.
  14. This is the difference with the Hearts liquidation a century ago, the club (company) went into liquidation and the entire thing was bought and debts paid off and as it was the same company,not a new company, continuation occured. This site is full of barrack room lawyers (including me) and until we get a definitive ruling on are club and company seperate legally these days, we are just beating our chests running around in circles.
  15. I think you'll find it is utterly relevant as Fiorentina had to play under a different name until it was done. Still nice to see you answered my question this time.
  16. Is that the Hearts and Fiorentina who had all their debts paid off in full by the people who took them over and therefore were allowed continuation? Did Newco pay off the Oldco's debts?
  17. Interesting article on the BBC website. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-21359486 Different organisation but I'm sure there are a few theories in it that might apply to this situation.
  18. I've got the Nike STR8 Fit Machspeed and love it but a lot of people hate the noise that it makes, it does remind me of someone kicking an old dustbin instiead of that lovely ting when you hit a normal shaped head clean.
  19. Serious question here. IF Rangers have been found guilty (I emphasis the if as the EBT partially cleared RFC which caught a lot of people out), do the RFC followers believe they should be treated any differently than Spartans when they made an administrative error of missing one signature and were expelled from the Scottish Cup because of it?
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