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Everything posted by Northsea80

  1. It’s not being kicked out though. If they follow the football template then their result is void and they don’t qualify because they don’t have enough points. Wishful thinking I know.
  2. Saracens fielded an ineligible player in their final group stage win over Racing92! Hopefully similar to football the victory is awarded to the opposing team. This would then eliminate Saracens from the competition and Glasgow would take that 8th spot in the knockout stages.
  3. Let’s not pretend that Russell is the saviour of Scottish rugby, incredibly talented yes! Capable of touches of genius yes! He’s also been stand off for a number of years now when Scotland as a collective have achieved the sum total of f**k all! He’s also prone to brain farts that cost territory and ultimately points over the course of 80 minutes. Hastings performed well enough on Saturday and is more than capable of producing the goods on Saturday. Let’s get behind him rather than bemoaning the status of someone who for whatever reason isn’t available.
  4. Had the baby there again, undefeated in all the games she’s attended (all two of them!). Just saying, I mean I think it’s down to her! That and the so called new manager bounce and the addition of new players.
  5. Well as mentioned, I’ve got her on the bandwagon nice and early. In 2040 she can give it the “Ive been here since the Hampden days!” Then folk will glance towards the housing estate that’s replaced Hampden as we currently know it.
  6. In safely after a quick check of the babies changing bag, you can’t be too careful with those things! Loaded with nappies and baby wipes. She cried just prior to Rovers taking the lead, preempting their goal perhaps? Then she mostly stared at the Rovers fans up in the box behind us. Steward was fine with us standing, sitting seemed to upset her. As to her enjoying it, we’ll return and see how it goes next time. We left prior to the equaliser.
  7. Taking my 4 month old baby along today as her mother has abandoned us for the day and we’re at a loose end. Also it gets her on the bandwagon nice and early before professionalism sees the club become a footballing juggernaut! My only reservation is that the overzealous stewards may try and frisk my baby on the way in.
  8. Hastings to carry over his recent good form in to the six nations and have us all forget about that other guy!
  9. What’s the justification in Dodson doubling his salary in the space of a year?
  10. Our baby is now a little over 10 weeks old, apparently the reason behind her poo smelling like vinegar is an intolerance to dairy. As such we're all cutting out dairy from our diets! if that doesn't work then it's cutting out soy apparently.
  11. Looks great, good to see things moving forward.
  12. It’s Arturo isn’t it? I’ll expect 25p on the price of my favourite sandwich in his deli (the Arturo, Parma ham, fresh tomatoes and mozzarella). Should he take control of the club can we expect the same high turnover of staff as he has in his shop?
  13. Good banter in the dressing rooms in Epstein’s flat though eh? Where you hard on the younger ones? Do you think that’s what’s missing from Epstein’s flat these days eh?
  14. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/50453217 Cash injection for the pro14, well for the unions anyway. How much money the clubs will see it doesn’t say.
  15. Plus side, Arturo might get his name on the clubs shirts for a bargain price if they’re playing in the south of Scotland league.
  16. Talk of the sixth tier of Scottish football and someone earlier used the term managed decline! Wouldn’t that make most of those reluctant to embrace change at least rethink their position? What’s the end game for those holding out? To be sat in Lesser Hampden in say 5 seasons time watching Queens Park v some random south of Scotland side thinking “we’ll at least we stuck to our principles!”?
  17. I get that people would be wary of breaking with tradition and what that means to them and the club, however wouldn’t the move away from Hampden be exactly the time to do this? To modernise the club, move to a more appropriately sized stadium and build towards a new more prosperous future? Engage with the local community and try and build upon the existing fan base, market themselves as a club for the south side of Glasgow, a real alternative to Celtic and Rangers and all the crap that comes with them. Rather than a club who from my perspective as a local who goes along occasionally, hides away in Hampden and people mere streets away aren’t even aware they’re playing.
  18. Sleep suits/babygrows with zips! Nobody mentions that these are essential with a new baby! Nobody wants to be messing about with poppers on a sleep suit.
  19. For all it’s supposed faults I actually really like Hampden as a stadium. Mainly for nostalgic reasons. However I’d be enthused about a move to Lesser Hampden and a fit for purpose ground for Queens Park going forward. I never enjoyed watching Glasgow Warriors play at Firhill, the move to scotsoun though not purpose built for Glasgow brought about a change in atmosphere and attitude around the club and they’ve made giant strides forward in that time in terms of attendance figures and the upward trajectory of the playing side (ignoring this seasons abysmal start)
  20. So the bare minimum would be to put a roof on that small open stand left over from the commonwealth games? Plus turnstiles, kiosks for food and that would be it? Hopefully they release some sort of detailed plan going forward. Once the whole pro/amateur issue is settled.
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